300089 Veterinary paraclinics-2 Offered in 2012/2013

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme   50 %
Institut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi   50 %

English TitleVeterinary paraclinics-2
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

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Beskrivelse af eksamen: On the last day in the practical courses, one text and/or image diagnosis tests, and/or a practical skills test and/or clinical microbiology diagnostic test (1-h, indiv., no aids allowed) will be held to assess the knowledge and practical skills learned in the course.Re-examination will concern the theme(s) (clinical pathology or clinical microbiology) that has not been passed

bestået/ikke bestået, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenStudents have to participate at least 80% of the practical course
Rammer for UndervisningLectures, theoretical and practical exercises, case-study work.
BlokplaceringBlock 3
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, Year 1

Block 4
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, Year 1

Block 1
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, Year 2

Block 2
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, Year 2
Anbefalede forudsætningerVeterinary bachelor's degree
Begrænset deltagerantalIngen. Forbeholdt veterinærstuderende.
PropaedeuticsClinical microbiology (bacteriology, virology, parasitology, mycology,)· Sampling· Analysis with regard to diagnosis of infectious agents, antimicrobial resistance and serological response to infection· Result interpretations· Prudent use of antimicrobials to minimize resistanceClinical Pathology (haematology, clinical chemistry, diagnostic cytology, urinalysis, faecal analysis, haemostasis, endocrinology, etc)· Overview of tests· The clinical pathology laboratory in veterinary practise· Pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical variation· Practicals in clinical pathology· Result interpretationsVeterinary serology:· Overview of tests (serologic test on serum, bulk milk, meat juice etc. to diagnose diseases and for surveillance of health status in production animal heards)· Application of tests (sampling strategies and results interpretation
Lectures (to activate the student's prior knowledge on which to build on; to present overviews of specific topics; to introduce to practicals). Supervised work including e.g. e-learning and guided cases (to assist learning of practical skills, and to activate the student in order to facilitate learning relevant principles and clinical problem-solving in a laboratory context). Practicals (to facilitate learning of relevant laboratory methods, including state of the art characterization of antimicrobial resistance)
The purpose of this propaedeutic course is that the student must acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies required to examine or analyse the case, collect and analyse the laboratory data as the fundamental basis for a diagnostic and therapeutic plan for the case. The course thus relates to the Danish Act of veterinarians (Lov om dyrlæger (Lov nr. 433 af 09/06-2004) §12 stk. 1, pkt.. 2) and having completed the course, the student should be able to:
·Explain how to address and/or counteract common causes for variation in clinical microbiological and clinical pathological tests
·Explain functions and main disorders of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets; and the appropriate procedures to evaluate these cells in a blood smear.
·Interpretate common clinical pathological and microbiological test results as the fundamental basis for a diagnostic and therapeutic plan for the case
·Explain the principles of appropriate diagnostic methods in clinical microbiology
·Explain the principles of use of serological tests in surveillance of disease
·Explain how to use antibiotics to minimize antimicrobial resistance
·Explain the veterinary, human and society relevance of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria
·Prepare a blood smear
·Identify healthy and abnormal erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets
·Perform a leukocyte differential count
·Perform urinalysis (sticks, refractometry, sediment analysis)
·Assess quality of cytological specimens
·Identify and classify inflammatory reactions in cytological specimens
·Perform practice-relevant microbiological tests to identify possible cause of disease as a fundament for a proper therapy
·Evaluate results of serological tests for presence of infectious agents in animals
·Perform state-of-the art measurement of antimicrobial resistance.
·Behave in a safe way in a laboratory
·Perform clear case reports
·Choose the correct samples and methods for laboratory analysis of the case
Clinical microbiology: A common book in veterinary clinical diagnostics will be the basis for teaching in bacteriology, parasitology and virologyGuardabassi et al. Guide to antimicrobial use in animalsVeterinary clinical pathology: Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 2.ed. (eds. Stockham & Scott), 2008, ISBN: 9780813800769Small animal clinical diagnosis by laboratory methods, 4ed. (eds. Willard & Tvedten), 2003, Saunders (ISBN-10: 0-7216-8903-5)Veterinary serology: Not defined yet
Mads Kjelgaard-Hansen, mjkh@life.ku.dk, Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme/Centrallaboratoriet, Tlf: 353-33873
Luca Guardabassi, lg@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi/Mikrobiologi, Tlf: 353-32745
Studienævn V
teoretiske øvelser20
praktiske øvelser40