310090 Theories of Urban Planning and Governance

Ansvarligt institutSkov & Landskab

English TitleTheories of Urban Planning and Governance
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: oral examination based on essay, project and general literature

Vægtning: 100 % oral examen

7-trinsskala, ekstern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenone essay
Rammer for UndervisningColloquiums based on students inputs, lectures, excercises and individual course work. Essays are to be delivered during the course
BlokplaceringBlock 2
Ugestruktur: B
Obligatoriske forudsætningerbachelor degree in landscape architecture, architecture, geography, planning or similar
Begrænset deltagerantalmax 40
This course is about urban planning and governance in a complex, disorderly and dynamic planning situation. The course focuses on recent theories about urban planning and public governance to understand the processes of planning and the political and administrative context of urban design. New paradigms like relational planning and complexity planning, and theories about new forms of organisation and about new roles for politicians, planners, developers, citizens etc. illustrate efforts to comprehend the complex planning conditions in (post)modern societies. The course concentrates on three main themes of great importance for contemporary planning:

. From pre-modern to post-modern urban planning and public governance
. New forms of organisations and cooperation in urban planning practices
. New roles for politicians, planners, designers, citizens, developers etc.

Cases from planning practices in Danish regions and municipalities will be used to illustrate the influence of different planning and governance paradigms and different forms of organisations and roles in planning practices. Planning practices could be both plans and projects. E.g. the development of: a regional climate strategy, a municipal plan strategy, a project for a residential area or former industrial area into new functions, a transport or a landscape plan etc. How are the processes organised? Who are involved and why? What are the political conditions for the projects and how does politics and public administration influence the project? What is the role of the planners and the designers? How is the cooperation between designers, developers and citizens organised? Etc.
The teaching form combines learning through lectures, discussions and experience. Student's presentation of the day's reading will be the backbone of the course structure. Focus will be on presenting and reflecting on different views and perspectives on planning processes in order for the students to be able to make conscious and well reflected decisions in urban planning processes. This will be supplemented with lectures presenting the overview of different perspectives and effects on urban planning. Small exercises about concrete planning practices will illustrate the practical relevance of different planning views and perspectives.
Students will afterwards know and be able to use the knowledge about different forms of planning and governance processes in a critical-reflective way in their own design and planning practices.

Student will obtain an overview of advanced approaches, theories and discussions about (post)modern planning and governance processes, understand central points of discussion within the theories and in practice and their effect on the development of contemporary cities.

The students will be able to use the knowledge in a critical-reflective way and to develop positions of their own. They will be able to show this ability in their way of handling and organising planning processes in practice.

The students shall be able to use theoretical points of reference when making their own projects and when relating to issues of contemporary planning processes.
Allmendinger, Philip and Mark Tewdwr-Jones: Planning Futures. New directions for planning theory. Routledge 2002

Healey, Patsy: Urban Complexity and Spatial Strategies. Towards a relational plannning of our times. Routledge 2007

Additional literature available during course
Karina Sehested, kar@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/By- og landskabsstudier, Tlf: 353-31833
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