400045 Business Development in Practice

Responsible DepartmentInstitute of Food and Resource Economics

Earliest Possible YearMSc. 1 year
DurationOne block
Credits7.5 (ECTS)
Level of CourseMSc
ExaminationFinal Examination

oral examination

Some Aid allowed
PowerPoint with project pitch

Description of Examination: Each student will be asked to pitch and defend the project to the host organisation and discuss the general theories presented during the course.

Weight: 100% oral examination

7-point scale, external examiner
Requirement for Attending ExamActive participation in group project work
Organisation of TeachingThe course will be based on a mix of class lectures, theoretical exercises, guest lectures, project work, and group supervision.
Block PlacementBlock 4
Week Structure: C
Language of InstructionEnglish
Mandatory PrerequisitesParticipation in this course requires that the student has passed Business Development and Innovation
RestrictionsParticipation in Business Development and Innovation or documentation of a similar bachground.
Course Content
The main theoretical content of the course will include: concept development approaches; business model development approaches; project management approaches; and project pitch techniques. The course develops further the theoretical issues introduced in Business Development and Innovation (Thematic course II-1) with an emphasis on the practical implementation of business development activities. Participants will work in teams and in collaboration with a host company providing a challenge focusing on some aspect of innovation.
Teaching and learning Methods
The course aims at providing the students with an opportunity to work in teams and focus the project work on a specific context dependent challenge. Only a limited number of theoretical lectures are provided. The main part of the course is dedicated to the group work that will be supported by group based supervision sessions focusing on the specific needs of the individual teams.
Learning Outcome
The purpose of the course is to provide participants with an opportunity to obtain experiences with practical management of business development. The participants will be challenged with a practical innovation related problems identified by a company, organisation or NGO. The challenge can for example be to develop a business model or business plan, design an innovation strategy, or design a specific innovation project. The participants will work on the challenge in close collaboration with the host organisation with the aim of developing a real-life solution for the company.

On completion of the course the student will be able to:

. Identify and describe the phases and intermediate outputs in a idea/concept development processes
. Identify and describe the main elements and interrelation between elements in a business model
. Identify and describe practical tools used in the process of business model generation
. Identify, describe and reflect on paradoxes and diversity in innovation project management
. Identify and describe the main elements and relationships between elements in an innovation strategy
. Identify and describe the main elements in a business plan
. Identify and describe the main principles in communicating ideas and solutions to decision makers

. Apply and integrate different methods and techniques introduced throughout the A&I MSc programme (or similar programme) in order to develop a context specific business model or business plan for a host company
. Apply and integrate different methods and techniques introduced throughout the A&I MSc programme (or similar programme) in order to develop a context specific innovation strategy for a host company
. Apply and integrate different methods and techniques introduced throughout the A&I MSc programme (or similar programme) in order to develop a context specific innovation project plan for a host company
. Choose and request appropriate information for communication with decision makers

. Lead and manage innovation and business development processes in a complex and unpredictable organisational environment in private companies, public organisations and NGOs
. Lead, manage and participate in inter- and multidisciplinary collaboration
. Reflect critically on ethical issues in relation to own professional practice
. Discuss, evaluate and develop innovation-focused activities in a complex organisational environment
. Present team solutions in a consistent, short and convincing manner to decision makers.
Course Literature
To be announced
Course Coordinator
Carsten Nico Portefée Hjortsø, cnh@foi.dk, Institute of Food and Resource Economics/Production and Technology Unit, Phone: 353-32267
Study Board
Study Committee NSN
Work Load
theoretical exercises10
project work120