LFKM10189 Veterinary Epidemiology, part 1

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Produktionsdyr og Heste

English TitleVeterinary Epidemiology, part 1
Tidligst mulig placeringMaster udd. (efteruddannelse)
VarighedUdenfor blokstruktur
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
KursustypeMaster udd. (efteruddannelse)

mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: The participant must submit an individual project report. The report is defended at the oral exam with 15 minutes for presentation, and 15 minutes for questions from the examiners. The exam occurs via e-learning environment.

bestået/ikke bestået, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenParticipation in the on-site course, submission of individual project report and participation in discussions in e-learning module
Rammer for UndervisningThe course is taught in weeks 35 to 42, 2011. On-campus teaching takes place one week (Sept. 8 to Sept. 14) with lectures and exercises. The remaining weeks are run as e-learning with expected 10-20 hours workload per week.
BlokplaceringOutside schedule
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, The on-campus part lasts 5 full days. E-learning occurs before and after the on-site parts
The course is the first of two courses in Veterinary Epidemiology. The aim of the course is that the participants should be able to design an epidemiological study in a population, where there is a clear description and coherence between hypothesis, study design, sampling methods, measures of frequency and association, nature of data, etc. Furthermore, the course focuses on practical data management (including data control, establishment of a data base and data editing).

There will be no analyses of participant data, but the protocol must be based on the individual projects. The protocol can be written with reference to the data used for the course Veterinary epidemiology, part 2 (course no. 150222).
The first 8 days of the course is introduction to the software R, to e-learning environment (Absalon) and basic epidemiology. The following 5 days of the course occurs on-campus and is a mixture of lectures, plenum discussions and exercises. During the next 5 weeks, participants are working with their protocol discussing protocols with other participants via e-learning environment. The protocol is handed in on Wednesday in the final week and the examination is on Friday. Each participant is expected to bring a laptop for the exercises. The laptop must have Microsoft Word (or compatible software) and R installed. Instructions for R installation will be given during the first e-learning week
The course is the first module in Veterinary Epidemiology. It focuses on planning an epidemiological study by writing the outline of a protocol for carrying out an observational study.

The course introduces the concepts associated with basic epidemiology, e.g. study objectives and hypotheses, study design, nature of data, data management and measures of frequency and association. The focus is on practical application of the concepts, by writing the protocol and by practical data management using R.

At the end of the course it is expected that the participant has the following qualifications:

Identify an epidemiological problem to be investigated using relevant epidemiological and statistical methods.

Design studies, collect and store data in a database and evaluate data quality.
Develop a research protocol using relevant epidemiological methods.

Collaborate scientifically with epidemiologists and statisticians and other relevant scientists. Be able to evaluate the validity and reliability of the epidemiological study in relation to generalising future study results to other populations than just the study population.
Houe H, Ersbøll AK, Toft N: Introduction to Veterinary Epidemiology. Biofolia. 2004.
Exercises and notes.

Søren Saxmose Nielsen, ssn@life.ku.dk, Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste/Faggruppe: Populationsbiologi, Tlf: 353-33096
Jens Frederik Gramstrup Agger, jfa@life.ku.dk, Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste/Faggruppe: Populationsbiologi, Tlf: 353-33013
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teoretiske øvelser20