Ansvarligt institut | Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme |
English Title | Veterinary Clinical Pathology - Test validation/ Clinical decision making I |
Tidligst mulig placering | Master udd. (efteruddannelse) |
Varighed | Udenfor blokstruktur |
Pointværdi | 5 (ECTS) |
Kursustype | Master udd. (efteruddannelse) |
Eksamen | Løbende eksamen skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen Portfolio eksamen Alle hjælpemidler tilladt Beskrivelse af eksamen: The students will be continuously assessed based on the following: Students have to participate at least 80% of the practical course. As a part of the course the student will have to perform oral presentations and hand in a number of in written exercises/cases and procedure protocols. 7-trinsskala, intern censur Eksamensdatoer: |
Rammer for Undervisning | Practical 5-days course at University Hospital For Companion Animals (Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr) |
Blokplacering | Outside schedule Ugestruktur: Outside schedule, Week 13 2012, Monday - Friday |
Undervisningssprog | Engelsk |
Obligatoriske forudsætninger | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM); at least two years of companion animal practice work experience; and certified Danish Fagdyrlæge. *If fagdyrlæge-edducation from another country, please provide documentation of education and recertification. |
Kursusindhold | |
Having completed the course, the student should be able to: Perform a test validation, with regard to 1. Analytical performance (precision, inaccuracy, linerity, detection limit etc.) 2. Overlap performance (Ability to differentiate clearly diseased from healthy individuals) And explain and understand 3. Clinical performance (Diagnostic performance in clinically relevant settings) 4. Outcome performance (Relevance to patient management) Explain and understand the theory and practicals behind: . Reference interval establishment . Ref. int. validation . Ref. int. partitioning Have knowledge about establishment of specific clinical decision limits: . ROC-curve analysis | |
Undervisningsform | |
Theory and practice workshops. | |
Målbeskrivelse | |
The purpose of this course is: The basics and practical training of ensuring the validity of tests used for diagnostic purposes in clinical practice | |
Litteraturhenvisninger | |
Recommended literature list will be posted 1 month prior to course start. | |
Kursusansvarlig | |
Mads Kjelgaard-Hansen,, Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme/Centrallaboratoriet, Tlf: 353-33873 | |
Deltagerbetaling | |
DKK 30.000 | |
Studienævn | |
Studienævn V | |