LLEF10199 Starter and Non-Starter Cultures for Dairy Products

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Fødevarevidenskab

English TitleStarter and Non-Starter Cultures for Dairy Products
Tidligst mulig placeringBachelor 3. år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: Individual oral exam (30 min. incl. evaluation) will include presentation and questioning of project report (15-20 min.), but also general knowledge within starter and non-starter cultures and adventious microflora (including patogens and spoilage microorganisms) will be tested (5-10 min).

Vægtning: 100% Oral exam in project report and curriculum

7-trinsskala, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenProject report handed over to course responsible wednesday before 15:00 week 8 in block 2
Rammer for UndervisningLectures and practicals are concentrated in the first 4 weeks throughout the available time. This period is also used to formulate the course project. One excursion.
BlokplaceringBlock 2
Ugestruktur: C
Anbefalede forudsætningerLLEA10280 
Fermented Food and Beverages
Begrænset deltagerantalNone
The course will be project oriented and the projects can be coordinated with projects from "Cheese Technology" if the students are interested. It is therefore recommended that "Starter and Non-starter cultures for dairy products" and "Cheese Technology" are taken simultaneously.

The cource will contain lectures on primary (Lactic acid bacteria) and secondary (Yeasts, molds, propionibacterium, red smear microflora) starter cultures used for production of fermented dairy products, and their properties in relation to fermented dairy produkts. In addition lectures on non-starter lactic acid bacteria, adjunct cultures and their role in cheese ripening will be covered, as well as pathogenic and spoilage microflora will be covered. Lectures will be concentrated in the first part of the cource.

The projects will contain teoretical and practical parts. They will mainly focus on cheese microflora including primary and secondary starter cultures, non-starter LAB, inhibitory substances and bacteriophages. The basic techniques learned in "Lactic Acid Bacteria Microbiology" will be applied in the practical part.

An excursion to a starter company will be included.

The course will have lectures and practical exercises mainly located in the beginning of the cource. The lectures and practical exercises support the group projects. Practical exercises also complement previous knowledge obtained from "Lactic Acid Bacteria Microbiology" related to "strain typing" and "real-time PCR quantification". These are also conducted in the start of the course. In addition a group project (2-3 students per group) containing teoretical and practical parts are included. They are initated in week 2 (literature searches etc.). The project are related to the microbiology of fermented dairy products. An excursion to a starter company will be included.
The course is obligatory for the M.Sc. Dairy Science specialization. The aim of the course is to give the students a thorough knowledge of primary and secondary starter cultures for dairy products, including the adventious microflora associated with cheese. Through the project work the course will also give the students additional knowledge on microbiological analysis on other organisms relevant for dairy products. Knowledge of the most important spoilage and patogens in dairy products has also been obtained.
After completing the course the student should be able to:
Describe the composition of starter cultures and their use in dairy products. Describe the secondary, adjunct and adventious microflora found in cheese and their biochemical role in cheese ripening. Comprehend role of physiology of starter, secondary starter, adjunct cultures and non-starter bacteria in fermented dairy products. Comprehend principles for starter production. Display knowledge on culture dependent and culture independent techniqes for quantification of microorganisms from dairy products.
Apply principles for species and strain identification of dairy organisms. Analyse dairy product for relevant microorganisms using classical and molecular biology based methods and evaluate the putative source of them. Compare literature information with own obtained data.
Able to find, use and evaluate dairy microbiology literature in realtion dairy fermentation processes.
Cooperate with fellow students about literature and practical project laboratory work.
Communicate and evaluate own data in relation to literature in writing and orally.
S. Salminen, A. von Wright, & A. Ouwehand. Lactic Acid Bacteria, Microbiological and functional aspects. 3. ed. Marcel Dekker 2004 (selected chapters)

Reviews and Original litterature

Overhead and notes

Laboratory manuals
Finn Kvist Vogensen, fkv@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevaremikrobiologi, Tlf: 353-33211
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