LLEK10204 Thematic Course: Human Nutrition

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Human Ernæring

English TitleThematic Course: Human Nutrition
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)

mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: The examination is oral and each student is examined individually. The student presents the section of the group report for which they are separately responsible and defends the entire report. Each student is evaluated individually.

Vægtning: Oral defence 100%

7-trinsskala, ekstern censur
Rammer for UndervisningIndependent group-based project work assisted by tools, which have been taught during the lectures, and minor exercises as well as the project guidance.
BlokplaceringBlock 3
Ugestruktur: A

Block 3
Ugestruktur: B
Anbefalede forudsætningerLLEK10263 
or similar courses.
Begrænset deltagerantalNone.
The study into different scientific methodologies is based on self-selected topics from the human nutrition field (natural science aspects). The course starts with some lectures and practicals covering some basic aspects of the nutrition research field and introduction to literature research to support the later group work. There is focus on understanding the main principles of nutrition research and training in an independent evaluation of evidence from published papers. The project work is finalized by a written report following standard principles for academic writing which is then defended at an oral examination. The interactive group work requires good skills in oral and written English.
Group work with a series of supporting lectures. The project report is produced under the guidance of a scientific supervisor with some process guidance from course lecturers.
. Knowledge about different types of studies (i.e. nutrition epidemiology, intervention studies, animal and cell studies) and the level of evidence they provide
. Knowledge about the scientific literature which relates to the hypothesis of the project

. Identify and describe a well-defined hypothesis related to nutritional science
. Provide an analysis of the determination factors and the consequences related to the hypothesis
. Identify studies providing different levels of evidence to support the hypothesis (i.e. nutrition epidemiology, intervention studies, animal and cell studies)
. Compare the scientific evidence provided by the identified studies and provide a literature review related to the hypothesis
. Oral and written communication of the results of the group work to scientists

. Be able to use and evaluate different scientific methodologies in studies (i.e. study design, analytical methods) in relation to the hypothesis
. Be able to apply a critical approach when discussing the results of the project and its relation to nutritional science
. Be able to discuss the nutritional significance and implications of the scientific results for the general population
. Be able to provide justified suggestions for future research in the area (i.e. study type, methodology)
Per Torp Sangild, psa@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Klinisk og eksperimentel ernæring, Tlf: 353-32698
Tine Tholstrup, tth@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Sygdomsforebyggende Ernæring, Tlf: 353-32519
Lesli Hingstrup Larsen, lehla@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Fedme og Appetitregulering, Tlf: 353-33632
Studienævn LSN
teoretiske øvelser12
