LLEK10261 Chemical and Microbiological Food Safety - an Advanced on-line Course

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi

English TitleChemical and Microbiological Food Safety - an Advanced on-line Course
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: . The examination is comprised of the following elements: o Two marked assignments during the course in the form of a short individual credit papers o Ten minutes interview on-line performed by using a web camera facilitated connection. The web-cam examination is to ensure that it is the same person who has taken the course, through identification of the student at the examination (in the form of showing a passport or another valid ID). The web-cam examination can be compared to a normal face to face oral examination and will include questions to the assignments the student has handed in during the course along with questions of general understanding of the curriculum. For the web-cam examination the student is responsible for having access to the internet, a functional web-cam and headset, either through the local university or elsewhere. o Copenhagen University reserves the right to control the credit papers concerning plagiarism

7-trinsskala, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamen. In order to qualify for participation in the examination, the student must have completed at least 75% of the E-learning modules.
Rammer for UndervisningInternet based E-learning modules with at weekly deadlines. The course can be followed from anywhere in the world since it is 100% internet based with no physical meetings between the participants or the participants and the teachers.
BlokplaceringBlock 4
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule
Anbefalede forudsætningerInternational Food Legislation and Quality Management (e.g. as in LIFE.KU course no. LLEF10232), basic knowledge in food microbiology, basic chemistry, food technology and skills in quality assurance incl. HACCP assumed
Obligatoriske forudsætningerA B.Sc. degree of relevance
Begrænset deltagerantalThe course is limited to 27 students.
Chemical Content - Chemical compounds way to and occurrence in foodstuffs - farm to fork, general toxicology, compound groups of special relevance (natural plant toxins, pesticides, heavy metals, algal- and mycotoxins, persistent organic compounds from industrial activities and the handling of wastes, food additives etc.), methods in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication, international organisations and their roles - FN (WHO, FAO), EU (EFSA and EMEA) and important legislation.
Microbiological Content - Zoonotic diseases of importance to food safety will be investigated with emphasis on how to investigate food products and interpret the results. Particularly attention will be given to molecular typing methods used for outbreak investigations and for tracking of pathogens in the food chain with focus on use, limitations and interpretation of data.

The course is structured in a number of E-modules each of which contains a number of E-lessons. A key activity is on-line discussions between the students and between students and teachers. Emphasis is also placed on training the students to retrieve and evaluate professionally literature from scientific databases as well as from a number of other sources. A number of materials will, however, also be provided on-line as pre-selected by the teachers, however. In order to facilitate the learning process a number of on-line students self-test will be provided.
The objective of the course is to provide a theoretical introduction into the main subject areas within Food Safety. The emphasis will be on contaminants, natural inherent plant constituents and additives as well as on microbiological entities.

After completing the course the student should be able to:


Describe the most important chemical contaminants with regard to origin, route into the food chain and main adverse effects.
Describe the most important food additives by classes.
Display an overview of ADME, toxicity testing and risk assessment

Describe the most important microbial contaminants with regard to origin, route into the food chain and main adverse effects
Describe and compare detection and typing methods, their applications and limitations including both traditional and advanced molecular methods
Describe regulations and microbiological criteria in his/her country
Point to improvements of national control systems concerning microbiological safety

Describe global food control and warning systems


Apply theory to calculate simple kinetic parameters and ADI, MRL's etc. for a compound
Apply existing knowledge of prevalence, symptoms, biological properties of pathogens and combine with knowledge of food production processes to analyze incidences of food borne outbreaks
Communicate knowledge of risks and risk management


Cooperate with other expert groups about toxicity testing, result analysis and risk communication
(1) Scientific and technical articles (to be provides electronically)
(2) Internet based web pages of relevant International Organisations
(3) Course compendia (provided electronically)
(4) Chapters from relevant e-books (to be provided electronically)
Leon Brimer, lbr@life.ku.dk, Institut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi/Biomedicin, Tlf: 353-33181
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