LNAK10064 Thematic Course: Ecology and Management of Forests and other Semi-natural Terrestrial Ecosystems

Ansvarligt institutSkov & Landskab

English TitleThematic Course: Ecology and Management of Forests and other Semi-natural Terrestrial Ecosystems
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)

mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: Oral examination including two components, one question in the examination requirements and one presentation of one of the students´ project report. The presentation includes examination of the report as well.

Vægtning: The question in the examination requirements counts 50% and the presentation and examination of the project report counts 50%

7-trinsskala, ekstern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamen3 out of 4 project reports must be accepted
Rammer for UndervisningThe teaching includes lectures, exercises and about 2 weeks excursions. Reports are partly based on excursions.
BlokplaceringBlock 1
Ugestruktur: A

Block 1
Ugestruktur: B
Anbefalede forudsætningerRelevant bachelor degree, e.g. in Natural resources, Forest and Landscape Engineer, Biology or Geography.
Begrænset deltagerantalnone
Through lessons and case studies of relevant ecosystems (e.g. forests, heath lands, dunes, tidal meadows and bogs) system and restoration ecological aspects will be thoroughly read:
System ecology: The ecosystem concept; succession and disturbances; biogeochemical cycling of nutrients; the hydrological cycle; undisturbed soils; carbon sequestration and turn over of organic material; biodiversity; wild life ecology;
Restoration ecology: Management effects on nutrients and water; grazing ecology and game management; cultural/historical ecology; nature-based management of forests and other semi-natural ecosystems, habitat conservation and protection.

The thematic course includes lessons and interactive class room discussions, theoretical and practical exercises, and excursions. Based on the exercises and excursions mandatory reports are written. One week-long excursion goes abroad.
Learning Outcome
The aim is to give the student an in-depth understanding of the ecology of forest and other semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems and tools for use in management of such systems in relation to specific management goals. Temperate ecosystems will be in focus but the principles will be general and relevant for other biomes.

After completing this course the student should be able to:

1) Knowledge:
Demonstrate fundamental knowledge in systems ecology of forest and relevant natural and semi natural ecosystems. Focus will be on functionality, structure, biogeochemistry, biodiversity, hydrology, succession, disturbance and interactions between ecosystems
Understand ecosystem processes and how they can be influenced by management
Understand principles for ecosystem restoration
Explain key theories and methodologies for management of forests and other semi-natural ecosystems
Explain the principles of sustainable use, protection and stewardship of forests and other semi-natural areas
Identify possibilities/limitations in relation to human intervention and climate change

2) Skills:
Analyse specific ecosystems - structures and processes
Apply methods for ecosystem management
Develop long-term strategies, operational targets and specific plans for sustainable use and protection of forests and other semi-natural ecosystems
Assess implications of human interventions and climate change on ecosystem functioning
Analyse problems and communicate solutions in report writing

3) Competences:
Define potentials for developments of forests and other semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems according to different management goals
Develop and evaluate methods and plans for management
Adapt principles and select tools to implement such plans
Cooperate effectively in multidisciplinary and multicultural groups within a group project.
Transfer knowledge into operational plans
Larsen, J.B. Nature-based forest management (notes)
Kimmins, J.P. Forest Ecology
Van Andel, J. and Aronson, J. (eds) Restoration Ecology
A number of relevant scientific papers.
Jørgen Bo Larsen, jbl@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/Afd. For Skovdrift Og Træprodukter, Tlf: 353-31688
Karsten Raulund-Rasmussen, krr@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/Anvendt økologi, Tlf: 353-31666
Direct costs for excursions
Studienævn NSN
teoretiske øvelser20
praktiske øvelser10