LNAK10082 The Urbanism Studio

Ansvarligt institutSkov & Landskab

English TitleThe Urbanism Studio
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedTo blokke
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Portfolio eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: The examination consists of an oral examination of issues relating to the portfolio. Both portfolio hand in and the oral exam are individual. The portfolio provides the foundation for examination of the student.

Vægtning: Weight: The portfolio is weighed 80 %. The oral exam is weighed 20 %.

7-trinsskala, ekstern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenCompilation and hand-in of portfolio.
BlokplaceringBlock 1
Ugestruktur: B

Block 2
Ugestruktur: B
Anbefalede forudsætningerLNAB10085 
By course start the student is expected to have passed LNAB10085 Byplan - strategi or similar
Obligatoriske forudsætningerBy course start the student is expected to have passed Byplanstrategi og -projekt Visiting students can enter the course, if they can document for the course responsible that they have passed courses with similar curriculum.
Begrænset deltagerantal40 deltagere
The aim of the course is to enhance the individual student ability to practice city design.

The course is to provide the student with the abilities to approach, identify, analyse, prioritise, argue and (re)design an urban situation, e.g. the contemporary city.

Focus will be on how to analyse, conceptualise, design and intervene on different scales of urbanism. A special interest will be paid to training how students are able to frame, argue, design and discuss a challenge and their ability to relate this to a site-specific context and theoretical positions in urbanism.

The course will not be restricted to specific theoretical positions or themes. Instead the student will be asked to position his/hers proposals in relation to theoretical positions within urbanism. The course allows the students individually to investigate different aspects and elements of urbanism through design. These individual designs are to be presented, discussed and evaluated in plenum. The key target is to enable the individual student, through his/her designs, to take part in and contribute to state of the art debates and clashing positions in urbanism.

The course focuses on the ability to intervene, conceptualise, design, argue and communicate challenges in an urban and theoretical context. Any design is to be conducted in terms of time, site, theory, networks, clients and context programme(s). How can urbanism be studied and investigated as a design solution with roots in the past, an understanding of the present and as an expectation to meet the challenge of the future?

Focus will be on how to design an experience of space, livability, site, scale, flow, network, history, identity and architecture that is contemporary and urban. Interest is paid to discussions of how potential transformation towards new use, new aesthetics and new meaning of the urban can be conceptualized, argued and contested in an architectural design.

Students will be trained in taking and debating design positions in urbanism and exploring arguments for and against their individual design study. Emphasis is on design understood as a relation between architecture and nature, between landscape and city, between society and time, and between technology and site.
The course focuses on project work, urban analysis and urban design done by the individual student or in small groups. Priority is given to sketch, design and debate by means of modelling, architectural studies, student presentation and plenum critics. The course lectures are supplemented with guest lectures/critiques. The workshop studio is seen as a test bed in which the role of course responsible are to facilitate a debate on urban design and arguments of interventions among the students - rather than dictate answers on how and on how not to design in urbanism. The teaching methods applied include scientific and artistic methods as well as techniques for sketching and presentation. Special emphasis is put on sketching by doing photographs, diagrams, models, as well as illustrations by photographing, diagrams, sketches, modelling, conversation and texts. Alternatively, film, music and studies of sound and smells may be included in the teaching. The theory of education is that the learning and designing is best done individually or in independent group work and through dialog with tutors and fellow students around the drawing board, through presentations where fellow students and tutors comment and give constructive criticism. In addition there are lectures and introductions by guests and supervisors. Throughout the course a plenum session of presentation, debate and evaluation is scheduled, ideally, once a week.
The main aims of the course are to provide academic, professional, artistic, and scientific competence understanding the different aspects and challenges of urban design and the different scales of which these design challenges play out.

The aim of the project work itself is to gain insight into (1) understanding and framing key aspects of urbanism in relation to theory and practice of urban design (2) structuring of complicated urbanism challenges into (3) new possible spatial programming and designs which can hold the complexity and contradictions of the urban, (4) describing, and reflecting on related and relevant biological regulating aspects, design interventions and social communicating and thereby (5) communicate and present urban designs that deal with the relationship between nature and man.

Skills and competencies:

- To frame, analyse, formulate, develop and debate arguments, strategies, design solutions and spatial programmes and their potential to create change in urbanism and urban environments.

- To describe, conceptualise, apply and operationalise theoretical knowledge in relation to urban transformation through drawings, illustrations, diagrams, text, and models.

- To apply scientific, technological and ethical skills in relation to discussion a problem professionally through a design solution.

- To show and communicate a critical and reflective view on problems, arguments and solutions of own- and others work in the field of urbanism.

Examples of litterature to be used:

Koolhaas, Rem and Mau, Bruce (1995) Small, Medium, Large, Exstra-large. Monacelli Press

Shane, David Graham (2005) Recombinant Urbanism: Conceptual Modelling in Architecture, Urban Design and City Theory. John Wiley & Sons.
Mads Farsø Rasmussen, madsfars@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/By- og landskabsstudier, Tlf:
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