LNAK10086 Ecology of Farming and Food Systems

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Jordbrug og Økologi

English TitleEcology of Farming and Food Systems
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi5 (ECTS)

skriftlig prøve

Portfolio eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: Details for the portfolio assessment will be given at course start. Students will be assessed on written assignments, on understanding of the materials, on ability to conceptualise the course content and on making application to the case and to their current local situations. Their papers, short assignments, and contributions to discussions will be the basis for a grade.

7-trinsskala, intern censur
BlokplaceringBlock 3
Ugestruktur: Outside schedule
Anbefalede forudsætningerBachelor's degree or its equivalent in agriculture, plant science, economics, natural resources, human nutrition or other relevant social or natural sciences.
Begrænset deltagerantal30 students. Enrolment takes place at both LIFE, SLU (Sweden), HU (FInland)and UMB (Norway) so number of participants from each partner may be further restricted.
Course contents
With a concrete case as starting point, the course deals with structure and functioning of agroecosystems as whole entities seen from different perspectives. Examples of such are ecological, economic, social, time and spatial scale, and organisational level perspectives. The students will also learn about and practice methods for describing and analysing the case and its goals, and they are expected to suggest improvements.

The course is 100% web-based, with faculty resources and students located in many countries. In order to effectively deal with the interdisciplinary nature of agroecology, teachers from the Nordic network of agroecology and ecological agriculture (Agroasis) provides guidance and feedback to the students.
After completing the course the student should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts and principles regarding structure and functioning of farming and food systems (agroecosystems).

Show ability to deal with goals and value bases of such systems.
Apply methods and tools for describing, analysing and improving farming and food systems.

Discuss and reflect on how to connnect theory to a practical case

Vibeke Langer, vl@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Afgrødevidenskab, Tlf: 353-32383
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