LNAK10097 Preparing Field Work in the Tropics

Responsible DepartmentForest & Landscape

Earliest Possible YearMSc. 1 year to MSc. 2 year
DurationOne block
Credits7.5 (ECTS)
Level of CourseMSc
ExaminationFinal Examination

written examination

Portfolio Examination

All aids allowed

Description of Examination: Each group will develop a research synopsis. Final grade will be based on (i) the research synopsis, and (ii) individual student peer-review of the other group research synopses (each student must prepare a 500 word/synopsis evaluation).

Weight: Research synopsis 50%, Review of the other group synopses 50%.

7-point scale, internal examiner
Organisation of TeachingTeaching is web-based.
Block PlacementBlock 4
Week Structure: B
Language of InstructionEnglish
RestrictionsThis course must be passed before participation in the Sustainable Tropical Forestry Summer School
Course Content
The course is a preparatory course for the Sustainable Tropical Forestry Summer School: the focus is on developing a minor research project (that will then be implemented during the summer school taking place in a developing country). The course includes understanding of: the general environment in the country in which the subsequent summer school will take place, e.g. regarding natural resources management policies and forest types; training in locating and assessing white and grey literature on the research project topic; conducting critical online discussions as part of project preparation; preparing and analysing empirically oriented project synopses; selecting appropriate data collection instruments; finalising a field work project proposal. The course thus covers the entire research process until the implementation phase. Particular attention is paid to practical considerations in connection to field work, e.g. ethics, personal safely, training and managing enumerators.
Teaching and learning Methods
The course is provided through a web-based teaching and learning system. Students will apply concepts acquired during theoretical modules. Each student will participate in a supervised group; supervision will be provided by supervisors from participating European universities and co-supervisors from the hosting university (i.e. the university hosting the subsequent summer school). Each group will prepare a project proposal on a given research topic, and each student will assess the other groups' synopses.
Learning Outcome
The aim of the course is to impart to the students a thorough understanding of the importance of field work preparation.

After finishing the course the student is expected to be able to:

Understand the importance of field work preparation

Be familiar with the research process (until implementation stage)

Realise the need to acquire in-depth location specific factual knowledge

Gain in-depth knowledge of topic addressed in research synopsis

Apply principles, theories and frameworks to locally specific knowledge/conditions

Collect, analyse and evaluate quantitative and qualitative information

Select and design relevant data collection instruments

Design a clear and coherent research project synopsis

Reflect on risks and ethics in relation to data collection in developing countries

Argue cogently and think critically within the parameters of a particular academic discipline

Demonstrate the values of scholarship: inquiry, reflection, integrity, open mindedness, evidence-based thinking, collegiality

Tackle problems by collecting, analysing and evaluating appropriate qualitative and quantitative information and using it creatively
Course Literature
Course material consists of selected scientific articles and book chapters. Students identify additional group specific literature.
Course Coordinator
Carsten Smith-Hall, cso@life.ku.dk, Forest & Landscape Denmark/Unit of Forestry, Phone: 353-31763
Study Board
Study Committee NSN
Work Load
project work76