LPhD053 Advanced mass spectrometry - theory and applications

Responsible DepartmentDepartment of Basic Science and Environment

Research SchoolEnvironmental Chemistry, Microbiology and Toxicology (RECETO)
Course DatesNot yet decided for 2012
Course RegistrationTo sign up for the course in 2012, please send an e-mail to Jan H Christensen at jch@life.ku.dk
Deadline for RegistrationApril 10, 2012
Credits5 (ECTS)
Level of CoursePhD course
Language of InstructionEnglish
RestrictionsMax 25
Course Content
The course consists of five full day sessions (9.00-16.00) over a period of five months. The course focus on different aspects of advanced mass spectrometry. The five lectures concern: 1) Ionization techniques - principles and applications, 2) Mass analysers - principles and applications, 3) Qualitative chemical analysis, 4) Quantitative chemical analysis, 5) Advanced data analysis of mass spectrometry data. The participants are required to read two advanced books on mass spectrometry (Mass Spectrometry - A textbook, by Jürgen H Gross and Mass Spectrometry - Principles and Applications by Edmond de Hoffmann and Vincent Stroobant) and additional reading on quantitative chemical analysis and chemometric data treatment.
Teaching and learning Methods
Lectures and presentations from the participants: The lectures and presentations from the participants will present the chemical and physical background of mass spectrometry. The participants will furthermore, be introduced to the instruments during visits to different MS laboratories, and small experimental examples.
Learning Outcome
The course objective is to introduce the participants to the theory of mass spectrometry.

After completing the course the student should be able to:

Describe the detailed theory of mass spectrometry
Refer to the physical and chemical theory behind different inlet systems, ion sources, mass analyzers and detectors.

Choose the most appropiate methods for mass spectrometric analysis of chemical compounds in simple and complex mixtures.

Develop, optimize and apply mass spectrometry in different field of research
Course Material
Mass Spectrometry - A textbook, by Jürgen H Gross Mass Spectrometry - Principles and Applications by Edmond de Hoffmann and Vincent Stroobant Additional reading on Quantitative chemical analysis and advanced data analysis
Course Coordinator
Jan H. Christensen, jch@life.ku.dk, Department of Basic Sciences and Environment, Phone: 353-32456
Course Fee
There is no course fee for PhD students from Danish universities. All others must pay a fee of DKK 5000'
Course Costs
All course participant must pay course costs (laboratory expenses) - DKK 1000 and costs of Lunch, cake and fruits (500 DKK).
Type of Evaluation
All participants must give a presentation at the course which will be assessed by the course responsible.
Work Load