LPhD055 Advanced Methods in Microscopy

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi

KursusdatoerModule a: in block 4, modules b-d: as agreed upon
Kursus resuméThe course covers all biologically relevant methods in microscopy and presents their theoretical background as well as the practical control of the instruments. Preparation methods for the respective microscope type and hands-on at the instruments are included. The course is structured in modules related to the different instruments and methods. Students interested in the course can freely choose the appropriate module(s).
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.cab.ku.dk/Education.aspx
KursustilmeldingTo sign up for the course, please send an E-mail to CAB@life.ku.dk and indicate the course number in the subject line
Deadline for tilmeldingas agreed upon
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
Modules a and b: 6 ECTS, modules c and d: 3 ECTS
med note om undervisning på dansk
Begrænset deltagerantalModule a: 20 students, modules b-d: 2-6 students
General: For all the modules described below, the course is based on (i) Literature studies, (ii) Laboratory work, resp. work at the microscope, (iii) Supervision of practical and theoretical work, and (iv) Final submission of a written report on the laboratory work including a discussion which refers to the latest relevant literature on the selected subject.

Module a: Light Microscopy (6 ECTS)
This module covers all light microscopic methods (bright field, phase contrast, fluorescence, polarisation, differential contrast, confocal). The optical and technical background is thoroughly discussed (resolution, Köhler illumination, wave optics, diffraction, amplitude and phase specimen birefringence), and measuring methods and the effects of different instrument settings are practiced. The students are requested to come with their own specimen and will learn how these can optimally be documented. This course module will run when at least six students participate. Because of the limited number of microscopes suited, the number of participants is limited to 20.

Module b: Histology (6 ECTS)
This module is designed according to the aim of the student's actual research project and includes theoretical as well as practical training in histological sample preparation of the student's own plant material. After choice, the techniques may include whole mount sampling or procedures for light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy or scanning electron microscopy (including fixation, embedding, semithin/ultrathin sectioning and staining/contrasting). The interpretation of the resulting images and identification of potential artifacts is included.

Module c: Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy CLSM (3 ECTS)
The course module is designed as a general introduction to confocal microscopy (3 ECTS). The students will learn about the fundamental principles in confocal and two-photon-microscopy, about the use of the microscopes in practice, and about the many potential possibilities. It will, however, not serve as a full practical training for using the microscopes in the CAB-center. It will be possible for the students to bring their own specimens.

Module d: Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM (3 ETCS).
The course module is designed as a general introduction to scanning electron microscopy (3 ECTS). The students will learn about principles in SEM, and we will in practice go through the whole process for obtaining classical SEM-recordings. That is: fixation, dehydration, critical point drying, and coating of specimens. This is then followed by recordings with the microscope. In addition, Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) is demonstrated. It will be possible for the students to bring their own specimens.
Lectures on and discussions of the theoretical background of the relevant methods. Practical training in preparation and training at the instruments used in the single modules. In module a Journal Club of relevant articles.
Understanding of the theoretical background of the microscopes used in the respective module, such as preparation and fixation protocols matching different organisms, optical geometry and image formation of the microscope(s), influence of radiation on specimens and artefacts, and image capturing.

Control the basic and advanced settings of the microscopes and cameras used, learn to control the stage and to focus the instrument to the region of interest, evaluate and improve the image quality (filter settings, brightness, contrast). Mount images to compound panels, determine the magnification and label figures with magnification bar, letters, and arrows.

Professional use of the microscopes used in the different modules. Capability to discriminate artefacts from real structures. Determine the best instrument to document the structures in question.
For module a: Manual: 'Light Microscopic Methods - PhD course' by Alexander Schulz
Alexander Schulz, als@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Transportbiologi, Tlf: 353-33350
Michael Hansen, mh@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Transportbiologi, Tlf: 353-33331
Helle Juel Martens, hjm@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Transportbiologi, Tlf: 353-33365
There is no course fee for PhD students from Danish universities. All others must pay a fee of DKK 4000
Kursus omkostninger
Bench fees: The students have to expect moderate bench fees for chemicals used in modules b to d
Final submission of a written report on the laboratory work including a discussion which refers to the latest relevant literature on the selected subject.
praktiske øvelser30