LPhD058 Agrohydrology: Soil Physics and Root Zone Processes.

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø

KursusdatoerFlexible Course Schedule
KursustilmeldingRegistration is made directly to Søren Hansen
Deadline for tilmelding15 August
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)
The hydrological cycle. The concept of soil water potential. Soil water retention. Transport of water in soil. Solute transport and particle facilitated transport in soil. Transport of gas and heat in soil. Hydraulic functions of soil. Hysteresis phenomenon in soil. Spatial variability of soil physical properties and processes. The concept of scaling and soil heterogeneity. Water and gas transport in the rhizosphere.Modelling of physical processes in soil. Soil physical condition and plant root development. Water uptake by plants. Evapotranspiration and modelling of evapotranpiration. Field and catchment water balance. Experimental metods.
The instruction is given in the form of colloquies and seminars in which theories, metodologies and research results are presented and discussed. The study materials include specialized advanced textbooks, specialized review papers, original research papers.
The objective of the course is to give the participants an advanced understanding of soil physical properties, processes and relationships of significance for sustainable soil and water resource management in agricultural crop production.
Søren Hansen, sha@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø/Agrohydrologi, Tlf: 353-33386
Andre forlæsere
Carsten Petersen Jens Raunsø Jensen
Satisfactory partiticipation in colloquia,approval of a review paper on a selected topic, and satisfactory presentation of a lecture on a given topic.