LPhD098 Sensory Science

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Fødevarevidenskab

ForskeruddannelsesprogramFOOD Denmark
KursusdatoerIndividually decided
Kursus resuméThe course covers general principles of sensory product testing, sensory methods in food evaluation, consumer methods, psychophysics, functions of the human senses, neurophysiology of the digestive system, fundamental principles of sensation, perception, affection and cognition as well as data analytical methods in sensory science.
KursustilmeldingTo sign up for the course, please send an e-mail to Wender Bredie at wb@life.ku.dk. Please also remember to add the course to your PhD plan
Deadline for tilmeldingIndividually decided
Pointværdi9 (ECTS)
Rammer for UndervisningThe course take place at LIFE
Begrænset deltagerantalNo restrictions
The course covers general principles of sensory product testing; sensory methods in food evaluation (threshold, discrimination, descriptive and quality tests, scaling, time-intensity, biases, sensory interactions in product evaluation); Consumer methods (quantitative methods, questionnaire design, acceptance, preference, fallacies of contemporary consumer science approaches); psychophysics; anatomical, biochemical, physiological and neurobiological functions of the human senses (taste, odour, touch, pain/irritation, sight, hearing); neurophysiology of the digestive system; fundamental principles of sensation, perception, affection and cognition; data analytical methods in sensory science.
The course involves a critical assessment of course literature, a literature study with a written report on a specific sensory topic with some relation to the student's PhD project. Participation in the sensory research seminars forms is also a part of the course. The basic course is 9 ECTS and additional 3 ECTS can be obtained by performing specific sensory and/or data analytical exercises, e.g. in relation to the student's own research project. 9 ETCS: Seminars based on readings: 50 hours Research seminars: 10 hours Self study of course literature: 75 hours Project and report: 80 hours Presentation and evaluation: 10 hours 12 ECTS: Extra exercises: 75 hours
The students will obtain the following competences:
Knowledge about the principles of sensory measurement and methods employed in contemporary sensory research.
The students will be able to critically assess scientific literature, design sensory experiments and give interpretation to results from sensory research.
The students learn how to report and communicate sensory results effectively.
Helene Hausner, hlh@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Sensorik, Tlf: 353-33658
Free of charge for Ph.D. students under the Open Market for Postgraduate Courses in Denmark and from NOVA-partners.
Kursus omkostninger
Purchase of the course book to be announced at the start of the course is recommended
Oral presentation and evaluation of project report
teoretiske øvelser0
praktiske øvelser0