LPhD105 Workshop course on the gut-brain axis and its implications

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Human Ernæring

Kursus resuméObjective/topics of the course: To obtain an insight into the most recent scientific achievements in the understanding of how the gastrointestinal tract communicates with the brain about hunger, diet and appetite regulation. Implication for functional foods, drug development, and bariatric surgery
KursustilmeldingTo course responsible Arne Astrup (ast@life.ku.dk)
Deadline for tilmelding2013
Pointværdi2 (ECTS)
Objective/topics of the course: To obtain an insight into the most recent scientific achievements in the understanding of how the gastrointestinal tract communicates with the brain about hunger, diet and appetite regulation. Implication for functional foods, drug development, and bariatric surgery Course Work Load: 8 hours reading 8 hours abstracts and poster preparation 25 hours workshop course including poster/oral presentation Writing a 2 page review of a selected topic from the meeting with identification af a scientific controversy, gaps in current knowledge, and suggestions for research task to fill the gaps. The review report will be examined by scientist at the associate professor or professor level from LIFE/SUND (10 hours) A total of 50 hours (2 ECTS) Course desciption: Plenary presentations by leading experts, discussions, preparation of written report Special prerequisites: Basic knowledge in biochemistry, physiology and nutrition
Course material: Relevant material will be provided to course participants
Arne Astrup, ast@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Sekretariatet, Tlf: 353-32476
7500 DKK to cover internat stay and meals
Kursus omkostninger
The course and course materials are provided free of charge