LPhD110 25th Nova PhD Course on Plant Pathology - "Plant diseases; from survival to epidemics, and management strategies"

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi   20 %
UMB, ÅS Norway   40 %
HU-AF, Helsinki, Finland   20 %
SLU, Uppsala, Sweden   20 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramBiotechnology (FOBI)

Eksterne samarbejdspartnereProf Anne-mate Tronsmo, UMB, ÅS Norway is course responsible in 2011 Also DJF, Århus University, if you can make an extra line!

UMB, ÅS Norway
HU-AF, Helsinki, Finland
SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
KursusdatoerNormally held in the late spring for one week 8th to 15th May 2011 in Honne, Norway (near Lillehammar)
Kursus resuméThe overall objective for the course is to present a survey of concepts integrating pathogen biology, pathogen ecology and disease management. Key concepts will include survival of intercrop periods, inoculum production and dissemination, onotgenic resistance, crop phenology and climate, and the interplay between abiotic and biotic factors that affect the susceptibility of the host, and severity of epidemics.
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www2.nova-university.org/novadb/chome/cpage...
KursustilmeldingTo UMB
Deadline for tilmeldingto be decided. Probably 31/1-2011
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
depending on input can award 4-6 ects
Rammer for UndervisningNational pre-course colloquia organised at the particpating universities and one week residential meeting at a venue in one of the host countries
Begrænset deltagerantalScholarships are usually available for up to 6 participants per country which cover the residential part but not transport to the venue. usually about 30 particpants
Overview/Introduction: Pathogen environment land microbial ecology?
Survival of plant pathogens during the intercrop period
Survival of plant pathogens and antagonists in soil
Snow would fungi - a strategy to avoid competition for food?
Soil microbial community structures and their function seen in relation to soil health ?
Concepts of soil inoculum potential and soil suppressiveness to soil borne diseases
Dissemination of soft rot pathogens with nematodes and insects
Ontogenic resistance and pathogen population dynamics
Interactions of ontogenic resistance with crop phenology and climate
Mechanisms of soil suppressiveness towards Fusarium wilts
Infection periods, latency, fecundity and mortality of pathogens during epidemics.
Survival and Epidemiology of P. infestans -- how it affects disease management.
Modes of action of protective strains of Fusarium oxysporum
Inoculum production and modeling of pathogen maturity and inoculum release
Non chemical methods of control of soil borne plant pathogens. Case study: Colletotrichum acutatum
Engineering pathogen resistance in crop plants - current trends and future prospects"
Literature study with colloquia Lectures Poster sessions Group work
The overall objective for the course is to present a survey of concepts integrating pathogen biology, pathogen ecology and disease management. Key concepts will include survival of intercrop periods, inoculum production and dissemination, onotgenic resistance, crop phenology and climate, and the interplay between abiotic and biotic factors that affect the susceptibility of the host, and severity of epidemics. The course should equip students for further directed and independent study of the key concepts, and to integrate biological and ecological concepts within the context of modern disease management programs.
Tp be provided later
to be decided later
David B. Collinge, dbc@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Planteglykobiologi, Tlf: 353-33356
Andre forlæsere
David Gadoury Claude Alabouvette Dan F. Jensen Minna Pirhonen Anne Marte Tronsmo Jonathan Yuen
Cost of transport to Nordic country. Particpants from outside the NOVA consortium will be charged a fee by NOVA
Critical evaluation of lecture or poster, participation in discussions, and essay.
teoretiske øvelser12