LPhD112 MIBS: Bioinformatics - Sequence analysis and 3D-modelling of proteins (generic course)

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø

ForskeruddannelsesprogramMetal Ions in Biological Systems (MIBS)
KursusdatoerStarting date for next course: Will be announced on MIBS homepage http://www.mibs.life.ku.dk/
Kursus resuméThe main objective is to make bioinformatics a useful tool in biological research.
KursustilmeldingThe course is held upon request. The course is offered under the Ph.D. school: Metal ions in Biological Systems (MIBS). The information will be announced on MIBS homepage http://www.mibs.life.ku.dk/
Deadline for tilmeldingWill be announced on MIBS homepage http://www.mibs.life.ku.dk/
Pointværdi6 (ECTS)
Rammer for UndervisningThree weeks workload - during one semester. The course credit is composed of 3 ECTS points in the theoretical part and 3 ECTS points in the experimental part.
Begrænset deltagerantalMax 25
The main course covers the following topics: General introduction to relevant databases on the internet and how to search them. Sequence analysis and alignment of amino acid sequences and DNA sequences using different algorithms and evaluation of the results. Prediction of secondary structure elements and folding of proteins. Homology modelling and visualization of protein structures. Use of neural networks in protein structure predictions. Modelling of small biomolecules, Protein - ligand interaction and computer simulations for docking ligands.
Lectures and weekly tutorials based on extensive individual studies on textbook materials and individual study activities including solving of assignments. Practical work on an agreed problem finished with a written report. The problem may be related to the candidates Ph.D research projects
The main objective is to introduce and make the concept of bioinformatics a useful tool in biological research for the participants.
The students will after the course be able to use and explain the following terms: Amino acids sequence, DNA sequence, Sequence analysis, Secondary structures, Protein modelling, Structural homology, Substrate-docking, Structural databases, Neural networks.

The students will after the course be able to use and explain the following methods: Sequence analysis and alignment of amino acids sequences and DNA sequences using different algorithms and evaluation of the results. Prediction of secondary structure elements and folding of proteins. Homology modelling and visualization of protein structures. Use of neural networks in protein structure predictions. Modelling of small biomolecules, Protein - ligand interaction and computer simulations for docking ligands.
Textbook and notes
Morten Jannik Bjerrum, mobj@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø, Tlf: 353-32452
Andre forlæsere
Lars Hemmingsen, Peter Thulstrup
Free of charge for Ph.D students under the open market for postgraduate courses in Denmark and from NOVA partners
Kursus omkostninger
It is expected that the students will use their own computer during the course.
Oral examination and evaluation of project report
teoretiske øvelser25
praktiske øvelser25


Andre bemærkninger
Special prerequisites: B. Sc. course in Biochemistry or equivalent, and recommendable supplemented by B. Sc. courses in Chemistry and/or Biophysics