LPhD136 Advanced methods in glycobiology

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi   60 %
Institut for Fødevarevidenskab   25 %
Institut for Human Ernæring   15 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramBiotechnology (FOBI)
KursusdatoerIntroduction lecture: Thursday the 9th of February - 14.30-16.00 The actual course will follow the block 3.A. structure. Start: Tuesday the 14th of February. End: Thursday the 28th of February. Project report deadline: 6th of Marts.
Kursus resuméThe course will provide hands-on experience in selected techniques for the analysis of complex carbohydrates including: state-of-the-art carbohydrate microarrays; monoclonal antibodies; carbohydrate binding modules; immunocytochemistry; rheology; spectroscopy and carbohydrate-active enzyme assays. The aim of the course is to provide participants with the skills needed to apply these techniques to their own research.
KursustilmeldingTo sign up for the course, please send an e-mail to William GT Willats (willats@life.ku.dk) and Solveig Krog Christiansen (soc@life.ku.dk). Please also remember to add the course to your PhD plan.
Deadline for tilmelding31st of Jan 2012
Pointværdi2.5 (ECTS)
Rammer for UndervisningLIFE
Begrænset deltagerantal10
This course will provide a comprehensive understanding of plant polysaccharides through an integrated series of practical exercises. Students will also have opportunities to get hands-on practical experience with state of the art analytical techniques for polysaccharide analysis with a particular emphasis on relating structure to function and the effects of enzymatic and chemical modifications.
Lecture: 10th feb from 14.30-16 Practical exercises: 15th of feb from 9-12 17th of feb from 9-16 22th of feb from 9-12 24th of feb from 9-16 8th of mar from 9-12 Project deadline: 15th of mar
The primary outcomes will be a sound knowledge of the biology and utilization of plant polysaccharides. After completing the course, students should be able to: Knowledge . Demonstrate a practical knowledge of cutting-edge techniques for polysaccharide analysis, including the construction and use of carbohydrate microarrays for high throughput screening. . Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the use of plant polysaccharides as functional food ingredients, nutraceuticals, therapeutics and as novel bio materials. Skills . Apply their knowledge to critically assess scientific literature. . Use selected techniques for polysaccharide analysis and glycobiology. . Apply their knowledge to evaluate the outcome of polysaccharide analyses. . Describe how fundamental polysaccharide biology is related to downstream industrial uses. Competences . Work independently and with scientific literature. . Prepare and present written work . Design experiments related to polysaccharide biology and applications
A mixture of orginal research papers, review articles.
To be announced.
Jack Egelund Madsen, jegelund@life.ku.dk, Institut for Plantebiologi og Bioteknologi/Planteglykobiologi, Tlf: 353-33718
In order to pass the course, all participants must hand in a report of the lab work at the end of the course.
praktiske øvelser23


Andre bemærkninger
Specific dates and time... Feb 9th hours 14.30-16 course introduction Feb 14th hours 9-12 lecture/exercises Feb 16th hours 9-12 lecture/exercises Feb 21th hours 9-12 lecture/exercises Feb 23th hours 9-12 lecture/exercises Feb 28th hours 9-12 lecture/exercises March 1st hours 9-12 lecture/exercises March 6th hours 9-12 lecture/exercises March 8th hours 9-12 lecture/exercises March 15th project report