LPhD142 Gastroduodenoscopy in dogs and cats

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme   50 %
Ellen Skancke, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Norge   50 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramSpecialised Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics (KLINIK)
KursusdatoerAd Hoc
KursustilmeldingUpon announcement
Deadline for tilmelding2 weeks prior to the announced course
Pointværdi4 (ECTS)
Rammer for UndervisningDepartment of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, LIFE, KU and Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, NVH, Norway
Begrænset deltagerantal4
The course is based on demonstrations and practical exercises in the use of a flexible video endoscope, how to prepare a veterinary patient for endoscopy and how to perform a systematic diagnostic gastroduodenoscopy with collection of tissue biopsies from selected areas.
The course is based on demonstrations and practical exercises in the use of a flexible video endoscope and in how to perform a systematic diagnostic gastroduodenoscopy with collection of tissue biopsies
The main objective of this PhD course is to enable the participating students to
1) handle a videoendoscope, understand its functions and be able to clean and manitain it
2) conduct a full systematic diagnostic gastrodoudenoscopy with visualisation of the entire mucosal barrier and sampling of tissue biopsies for histological evaluation in dogs and cats
Small Animal Gastroenterology, Ed. Jürg M. Steiner
Small Animal Gastroenterology, Ed. Jürg M. Steiner
Charlotte Reinhard Bjørnvad, crb@life.ku.dk, Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme/Medicin, Klinisk Patologi, Tlf: 353-32864
Andre forlæsere
Ellen Skancke, NVH, Norway
Students from outside University of Copenhagen or the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, 7500 DKK (aprox. 1000 EURO)
Kursus omkostninger
all participants must pay course costs (material expenses) - 1500 DKK
In order to pass, the student must show that he/she is able to handle the videoendoscope safely and is able to conduct a full gastroduodenoscopy. A certificate will be provided to the students at the end of the course
teoretiske øvelser30
praktiske øvelser50