LPhD144 Introduction to nutritional metabolomics

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Human Ernæring   75 %
Institut for Fødevarevidenskab   25 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramFOOD Denmark

The course is supported by SYSDIET (www.sysdiet.fi) and will be posted through NuGO (www.nugo.org), OPUS (www.foodoflife.dk/Opus/English.aspx) and UNIK - Food, Fitness and Pharma(http://foodfitnesspharma.ku.dk/).
Kursusdatoer5 to 9 December 2011.
Kursus resuméThe course gives an introduction to the nutritional metabolomics pipeline from study design over sample collection, storage and analysis over data alignment and analysis using different softwares to data interpretation. A small training trial will be conducted during the course for the students to work on.
KursustilmeldingSign up for the course to Marianne Støckel (mas@life.ku.dk).
Deadline for tilmeldingBefore 1 November 2011. We will assign students in the order they sign up.
Pointværdi3 (ECTS)
There will be at least one week preparatory work with article reading.
Rammer for UndervisningThe course will be mainly a class course with minimal hands-on in the laboratory. The students must bring their own computers running Windows XP or higher.
Begrænset deltagerantalThe course will be limited to 20 participants.
The couse plan will be posted at the SYSDIET and NuGO homepages (www.sysdiet.fi and www.nugo.org). This introductory course in nutritional metabolomics will take the student through all steps in a typical study. This will include study design considerations, sample collection and handling, spectroscopic techniques for metabolic profiling, analytical quality control, data collection and preprocessing, data alignment and processing, statistical data treatments, and interpretation of the final data outcomes.

A major focus is on the use of various free or commercial softwares for data alignment, data analysis, and data interpretation with hands-on training based on a case with samples collected by the students during the course.

The course will finalize by presentations of reports generated by the students based on their own results from the case.
The couse will use a mixture of lectures, exercises and training with data generated by the students during the course.
The aim of this course is to introduce the student to all phases in a nutritional metabolomics study and to train the student in the use of available softwares for data handling and data analysis. Specific aims include,
1) to teach how study design affects sample and data handling
2) to teach the most common free softwares for working with metabolomics data and nutritional bioinformatics
3) To teach common strategies for marker identification
A list of references to be read prior to the course will be sent to the participants.
Thaer Ali Mustafa Barri, thbar@dsr.life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Sygdomsforebyggende Ernæring, Tlf:
Lars Ove Dragsted, ldra@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Sygdomsforebyggende Ernæring, Tlf: 353-32694
Andre forlæsere
Søren B Engelsen, Francesco Savaroni, Gözde Gürdeniz, Flemming Hoffman Larsen, Rasmus Bro, Christian Ritz and Martina Kutmon.
A course fee of 175? to be paid by all participants. Invoice will be sent after registration is made.
Kursus omkostninger
Each student must pay and arrange their own travel and accommodation in Copenhagen during the course.
Oral presentation of results.
teoretiske øvelser12


Andre bemærkninger
Foods will be provided for the students, but travel and accommodation have to be handled individually by the students.