LPhD154 Molecular marker analysis of plant population structure and processes

Ansvarligt institutSkov & Landskab   60 %
Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi   40 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramForest, Landscape and Planning (REFOLANA)
Kursusdatoer22/8-26/8 2011
Kursus resuméThe course provides participants with practical and theoretical knowledge on analysis of genetic population structure, mating patterns, and population processes in plant populations, using molecular marker data
KursustilmeldingWrite an e-mail to Ole Hansen, okh@life.ku.dk, containing the following information: Full name, e-mail address, phone no., institution, full mailing address, country, whether you are a Ph.D. student, ti-tle of present research project, education in genetics (courses + experience) and whether you would like to present your project during the course
Deadline for tilmelding15/7. 2011
Pointværdi3 (ECTS)
1 week master class, before: read articles, after: finalize synopsis.
Estimation of genetic diversity, F-statistics, inbreeding level, gene flow, population and paternity as-signment, population admixture, hybridization. Assumptions and limitations of methods, and practical exercises with relevant computer programs such as: GenAlEx, Structure, Cervus, Population Graph, Geneland, Split tree, New Hybrids, AFLPOP, GeneClass2. Discussion of selected student projects
The course includes theoretical lectures, exercises and practicals with various computer programmes as well as discussions of student projects. The course is taught by staff at University of Copenhagen and other Danish Universities as well as Professor Peter Smouse, Rutgers University, one of the developers of GenAlEx, a widely used software for population genetic analysis.
The students will learn how to critically analyse genetic population structures and processes based on data from molecular markers. Beyond the technical aspects, the student will understand the assumptions behind the applied analytical approaches and the limitations they provides.
Selected papers to be read before the class
Erik Dahl Kjær, edk@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/Vedplanters genressourcer, Tlf: 353-31624
Ole Kim Hansen, okh@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/Vedplanters genressourcer, Tlf: 353-31647
Gunter Martin Backes, guba@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Plante- og Jordvidenskab, Tlf: 353-33434
Thure Pavlo Hauser, tpha@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Faggruppe Botanik, Tlf: 353-32818
Kursus omkostninger
150 EURO
Requirement for obtaining credit: approval of a written synopsis of the course content.