LPhD155 Introductory MATLAB

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Fødevarevidenskab   80 %
Institut for Human Ernæring   20 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramFOOD Denmark
KursusdatoerThis course is offered two times per course. Dates for academic year 2011/12: First week september 2011 (already done) Second week 7 - 11 May 2012 Second week: 7 - 11 May 2012
Kursus resuméThe course entitled "Introductory MATLAB" is a 5-day focused at PhD (candidate) level with an interest in using the programming and analysis software MATLAB (MAtrix LABoratory) for general Data Analysis and Chemometric modeling. The course offers a platform for students and researchers to start handling and managing their scientific data. The course gives a first impression of the possibilities of MATLAB and its structure, data handling, plotting facilities, and the beginning of programming.
KursustilmeldingTo sign up for the course, please send an e-mail to: - Jeanette Venla Hansen at jvh@life.ku.dk - José Manuel Amigo jmar@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmeldingLatest two weeks before the starting date (to be announced)
Pointværdi3 (ECTS)
Rammer for Undervisning5 consecutive days course, 7 contact hours per day
Begrænset deltagerantalMaximum 15 participants.
1- Introduction to MATLAB interface, 2- Array structures in MATLAB, 3- Basis of Chemometrics. PCA and PLS in MATLAB, 4- Scripts, functions and loops, 5- Plotting tools
6- Tricks and useful stuff, 7- Exam
- Contact Teaching: the basis of the course teaching will be done by presentations. Lectures in power-point plus examples/exercises with the computer. The students will be able to follow all the exercises in their own computers. - Learning: Apart from the exercises presented at class, the students will be given several exercises that the must solve for the report. - Educational approaches: This course is addressed to PhD student or advanced Master students. The educational background of the students will be different.
Knowledge, skills, competences:
- MATLAB interface: being able to "move around" in the most important utilities and windows in MATLAB
- Programming: being able to understand the structure of functions and to create small functions independently; to use loops and conditions in MATLAB programming.
- Data structure: being to identify and use different arrays structures of MATLAB and different ways of creating structures for data.
- Data handling: learn different ways of importing and handling data, searching tools and data managing.
- Chemometrics: being able to apply the basic Chemometric tools Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares regression.
- Graphical representation: being able to use basic and advanced static and dynamic plots.
Handouts and scientific papers provided during the course.
Handouts and scientific papers provided during the course; scripts and source code provided during the course.
Jose Manuel Amigo Rubio, jmar@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekvalitet og - Teknologi, Tlf: 353-32570
Andre forlæsere
Miss Gözde Gürdeniz, Department of Human Nutrition Dr. Frans v.d. Berg, Department of Food Science
- There is no course fee for PhD candidates from ANY universities. - There is a fee of 1000 DKK for any other participant.
Written report based on 5 short examination assignments; work out by the participants individually. The reports have to be handed in maximally one week after the last lecture and are evaluated and credited with PASS/FAIL by the course lectures.
praktiske øvelser20