LPhD160 Fundamentals of Polymer Material Science for Biomass and Bio-based Materials.

Ansvarligt institutSkov & Landskab

ForskeruddannelsesprogramForest, Landscape and Planning (REFOLANA)
Eksterne samarbejdspartnereThe Danish Technological Institute participates in development projects which are of use to society in close collaboration with leading research and educational institutions both in Denmark and abroad. Some staff at the Wood Materials department will give guest lectures in appropriate areas.
KursusdatoerNovember 2 hrs lectures each day- 12 hours of lectures. Lectures week 46 and 47. Preparation and Examination week 48.
Kursus resuméThe relation of how structure of the polymer determines properties, commonly known as structure-property relationships, will be an important part of the course. The concepts of polymers and surfaces will be covered. The different adhesion mechanisms will be studied and the adhesion bond performance will be covered. We will try and relate some of the concepts you learn to natural materials such as lignocellulosic material, and materials that exist in both human and animal bodies.
KursustilmeldingTo sign up for the course please email Anand Sanadi at anrs@life.ku.dk. Please also remember to add the course to your PhD plan.
Deadline for tilmeldingNovember 1st, 2011
Pointværdi5 (ECTS)
permission from teacher.
Rammer for UndervisningCourse will be held at LIFE, Frederiksberg Campus.
1. A: Polymers:
The course is intended for students who would like to gain some knowledge on the fundamentals of polymers, composites and adhesion. This course is meant for students that have no or little background in polymers and polymer materials science. This course will be particularly useful for students interested in biomass, food science and others interested in natural materials. The purpose of the course is that the student gets a grasp of how structure of a polymer can relate to its properties. Basic concepts of adhesion will allow the students to understand how and why things stick together.
Molecular weight distributions, glass transition temperature and other basic polymer concepts will be covered. The relation of how structure of the polymer determines properties, commonly known as structure-property relationships, will be an important part of the course. The concepts of intermolecular bonding, polymers and surfaces needed to understand the interface will be covered. The different adhesion mechanisms will be studied and the adhesion bond performance will be covered. We will try and relate some of the concepts you learn to natural materials such as lignocellulosic material, materials that exist in both human and animal bodies. Subjects such as the chemistry of polymerization and how polymers are synthesized will not be covered.
1. A: Introduction: Primary and secondary atomic bonding.

2. B: Polymers:
Introduction to polymers
Glass Transition Temperature, and how chemical structure influences Tg
Structure-property relationships in polymers such as effect of structure on the Tg and mechanical behaviour of polymer.
Basics of composites

3. C: Adhesion:
Adhesion Mechanisms
Strength of bonds

4. D: Bio-based Material:
Relating what has been learned in the previous sections; we will discuss and read papers on wood (softwood and hardwood), plant and agricultural fibers, and other natural and bio-based materials. This will include knowledge on hemicellulose, lignin and cellulose and some animal materials. Fibers, films and other materials made from renewable resources will be covered.
The course will run for about 2 weeks, with about 12 (50 min) lectures. Also included will be reading material that will enhance the knowledge of what has been taught. Handouts and papers on natural materials will also be distributed and the students are expected to read them.
Total of about 12 lectures of 50 min each. 6 hours of supervision. Approx 1 hr after each 2 hour class. Some homework. Extensive reading material based on peer reviewed articles, from fundamental principles of polymers and adhesion to papers based exclusively on bio-based (plant and animal) materials.
Molecular weight distributions, glass transition temperature and other basic polymer concepts will be covered. The relation of how structure of the polymer determines properties, commonly known as structure-property relationships, will be an important part of the course. Some elementary concepts of composites will be covered. The concepts of polymers and surfaces needed to be understand the interface will be covered. The different adhesion mechanisms will be studied and the adhesion bond performance will be covered. We will try and relate some of the concepts you learn to natural materials such as lignocellulosic material, materials that exist in both human and animal bodies. Subjects such as the chemistry of polymerization and how polymers are synthesized will not be covered. The course is not for students who have previously taken polymer science course.
Anand Ramesh Sanadi, anrs@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/Afd. For Skovdrift Og Træprodukter, Tlf: 353-31677