LPhD163 Layered Double hydroxides - chemistry and applications

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø   75 %
Institut for Fødevarevidenskab   25 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramEnvironmental Chemistry, Microbiology and Toxicology (RECETO)
KursusdatoerEvery monday from 9 - 12 during 8 weeks start Nov. 1st
Kursus resuméIntensive course providing the student an introduction to the production, properties, and applications of Polymer-Clay nanocomposites. Includes practical training for performing and interpreting Polymer-Clay nanocomposites characterized by X-ray diffraction, Infrared analysis and Differential scanning calorimetry. Comprise lectures and discussion, including reading material.
KursustilmeldingRegistration to haha@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmelding15th of September
Pointværdi4 (ECTS)
The course consists of lectures and excercises. The lecture aim at introducing the student in nanotechnology, use and effect of nanoclay in Polymer science and the manufacturing of Polymer-Clay nanocomposites. The course is primarily concentrated on readings and discussions of literature. The practical exercises aim at giving the student practical training in preparation of polymer-clay nanocomposites, and and running instruments for characterization of the products, and interpretation of the data.
Colloquies and practical exercises.
- insight in procedures for producing polymer-clay nanocomposites
- understanding of structures and properties of polymer-clay nanocomposites
- insight in instrumental methods used for studying and characterizing polymer-clay nanocomposites.
- hands-on experience with characterization of polymer-clay nanocomposites using powder X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and differential scannning microscopy
- experience with synthesis of simply polymer-clay nanocomposites, focusing on layered double hydroxide - fatty acid nanocomposites.
See below
1. LeBaron, P. C. et al., 1999. Applied Clay Science 15, 11-29. 2. Lagaly, G. 1999. Applied Clay Science 15, 1-9. 3. Ray, S. S. et al., 2002. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 23, 943-947. 4. Ray, S. S. et al., 2003. Composite Interfaces 10, 435-450. 5. Shibata, M. et al., 2006. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 99, 2594-2602. 6. Leroux, F. and Besse, J. P. 2001. Chemistry of Materials 13, 3507-3515. 7. Wilson, O. C. et al., 1999. Applied Clay Science 15 (1-2):265-279, 1999. 8. Ruitz-Hirzky, E.., Van Meerbeek, A., 2006. Clay Mineral- and organoclay-polymer nanocomposite. Handbook of Clay Science, 583-621. 9. Ding, P. et al., 2007. Journal of Materials Chemistry 17, 1117-1122. 10. Chiang, M. F. and Wu, T. M., 2010. Composites Science and Technology 70, 110-115.
Hans Chr. Bruun Hansen, haha@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø, Tlf: 353-32418
Christian Bender Koch, cbk@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø, Tlf: 353-32421
Jens Risbo, jri@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekemi, Tlf: 353-33224
Andre forlæsere
Kursus omkostninger
Written report on experimental work.
praktiske øvelser20


Andre bemærkninger
Ad hoc course