LPhD167 Environmental Chemistry and health - The Science behind the Headlines

Responsible DepartmentDepartment of Basic Science and Environment   60 %
DTU   20 %
The Elite education 'Environmental Chemistry and Health'   20 %

Research SchoolEnvironmental Chemistry, Microbiology and Toxicology (RECETO)
External Assisting PartnerSeveral Faculties from UC are involved in the Elite education 'Environmental Chemistry and Health'

The Elite education 'Environmental Chemistry and Health'
Course DatesNovember 16th and 17th, 2011
Course AbstractEnviroSymp is an annual symposium/workshop within environmental chemistry, microbiology and toxicology. A specific topic is set up for each year's symposium and the aim of the symposium is to train students within this specific topic, and to train presentation and communication competences. This year's Envirosymp "The Science Behind The Headlines" focuses on selected research areas within "Environmental Chemistry and Health" having made big headlines within the last 3-4 years.
Course Registrationvia the course homepage
Deadline for RegistrationAnnounced on the homepage
Credits2 (ECTS)
Level of CoursePhD course
Language of InstructionEnglish
Course Content
This years symposium has the title "The Science Behind The Headlines" and it focuses on selected research areas within "Environmental Chemistry and Health" having made big headlines within the last 3-4 years. The topics and speakers are:
Marianne Glasius (Aarhus University): Air pollution from wodden stoves;
Ulla Hass (DTU): Endochrine disrupters;
Carsten Suhr Jacobsen (GEUS): Pesticides in the groundwater;
Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen (DTU): Climate change and urban storm water.

The invited speakers will present the science they have been working with and they will comment on how their research has been presented in the press and compare it to the actual science behind the big headlines.

The second part of the Envirosymp comprise oral and poster presentations by the MSc and Ph.D. students including an evaluation/feed back part.

The third part of the symposium is a workshop to train presentation and communicatin skills, in particular how do you communicate to the press, how do you send a clear message when you contact the industry, write an application or apply for a job? For the Workshop: Journalist Kasper Westphal Pedersen.
Teaching and learning Methods
Seminar with lectures and a workshop, postersession
Learning Outcome
The learning outcomes of the course are:
- Get updated/ increase your knowledge on research within environmental chemistry, microbiology and ecotoxicology
- Tools for efficient scientific communication
- Tools for communication with the press
- Improved skills for scientific writing, writing research applications and popular science papers.
Course Literature
On the homepage
Course Material
On the homepage
Course Coordinator
Hans Chr. Bruun Hansen, haha@life.ku.dk, Department of Basic Sciences and Environment, Phone: 353-32418
Course Fee
350 DKK
Course Costs
Costs related to lecturers and photocopying + secretary + food.
Type of Evaluation
Written evaluations of oral/poster presentations, and abstracts submitted. Feedback on exercises for the workshop part the 2nd day of the Envirosymp. Full participation both days required.
Work Load
theoretical exercises5