LPhD169 Advanced MATLAB

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Fødevarevidenskab

KursusdatoerWeek 21. From 21st of May until 25th of May
Kursus resuméThe course entitled "Advanced MATLAB" is a 5-day focused at PhD candidate level with an interest in using the programming and analysis software MATLAB (MAtrix LABoratory) for an advanced use of Data Analysis. The course is a perfect follow-up of the course "introductory MATLAB" in which the students and researchers will increase the knowledge about handling and managing their scientific data. The course gives advanced and dedicated lessons of the possibilities of MATLAB.
KursustilmeldingTo sign up for the course, please send an e-mail to: - José Manuel Amigo jmar@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmeldingLatest two weeks before the starting date (to be announced)
Pointværdi3 (ECTS)
1-Linear Algebra, 2- Read-import from other sources, 3- Data managing 4- Singular Value Decomposition, 13- Fitting non-linear equations, 14- Reading external hardware, 15- Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces, 16- Exam.
- Contact Teaching: the basis of the course teaching will be done by presentations. The students will be able to follow all the exercises in their own computers. - Learning: Apart from the exercises presented at class, the students will be given several exercises that the must solve for the report. - Educational approaches: This course is addressed to PhD student or advanced Master students. The educational background of the students will be different.
Knowledge, skills, competences:
- Linear algebra with MATLAB.
- Data handling: learn different ways of importing, reading and handling data, searching tools and data managing.
- Singular Values decomposition and its application with MATLAB.
- A case study: fitting non-linear equations.
- Iteration of MATLAB with external hardware
- Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) with MATLAB
Handouts and scientific papers provided during the course.
Handouts and scientific papers provided during the course; scripts and source code provided during the course.
Jose Manuel Amigo Rubio, jmar@life.ku.dk, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab/Fødevarekvalitet og - Teknologi, Tlf: 353-32570
Andre forlæsere
Dr. Frans v.d. Berg, Department of Food Science Dr. Evrim Acar, Department of Food Science
Written report based on an examination assignment; work out by the participants individually. The reports have to be handed in maximally one week after the last lecture and are evaluated and credited with PASS/FAIL by the course lectures.
praktiske øvelser25
teoretiske øvelser10