LPhD173 Introductory course to doctorate research within agricultural development, food chains and innovation (generic course)

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Jordbrug og Økologi
Fødevareøkonomisk Institut   0 %

ForskeruddannelsesprogramThe course is associated with the AgTraIn doctorate programme
Kursusdatoer14. - 18. November 2011
Kursus resuméThe objective is to create a common academic and methodological framework for each cohort of doctorates within the AgTraIn programme, and facilitating their development of a Training and Supervision Plan for their project.
Kursus hjemmesidehttp://www.agtrain.eu
Kursustilmeldingagtrain@life.ku.dk adn@life.ku.dk
Deadline for tilmeldingOctober 1st
Pointværdi2 (ECTS)
Rammer for UndervisningLectures, exercises, discussions.
The objective is to create a common academic and methodological framework for each cohort of doctorates within the AgTraIn programme, and facilitating their development of a Training and Supervision Plan for their project. Specifically the course aims at setting the scene of food production and development, demonstrating the role and limitations of all actors in the food chain from primary production, over processing and value addition to traders. Secondly, the course will provide analytical tools and methodological approaches that can be used for stakeholder involvement and negotiation, hereunder:
. Negotiation with stakeholders and stakeholder analysis
. Transformation from problem to research question (LogFrame Analysis)
. Rural realities and constraints
. Framework for smallholder innovation
. Participatory Action Research

The students will submit a plan for stakeholder involvement in their continued project refinement as well as a preliminary logframe analysis.
Lectures Student presentations Exercises Student reflections
The students are expected to obtain the following:

Tools for stakeholder inclusion in applied research
Feedback on how tro translate complex realities in researchable hypotheses.
Overview of action research methods and approaches
Introduction to innovation and entrepreneurship aspects of agricultural development.
Introduction to commercialisation in a food chain perspective.
Introduction to the livelihood framework
Training and supervision in inclusion of these aspects in their own research plan.
Andreas de Neergaard, adn@life.ku.dk, Institut for Jordbrug og Økologi/Plante- og Jordvidenskab, Tlf: 353-33499
Andre forlæsere
Didier Pillot, SupAgro Guy Faure, Cirad Myles Oelofse, LIFE Carsten Nico Hjortsø, LIFE
Students must participate actively in exercises and discussions. Students must present their own research plan initially. Students must present reflections on course content and modifications to research plan at the end of the course
teoretiske øvelser12