LPhD174 International Child Health, Infectious Diseases and Undernutrition

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Human Ernæring

Kursusdatoer30.1-3.2 2012
Kursus resuméThe course is for medical doctors and thers with an interest in child health, infectious diseases and nutrition in low-income countries. It runs over five days, with program from 8:00 to 17:00, and will take place in Uganda, at Mulago Hospital in Kampala (3 days) and at Jinja Regional Hospital (2 days). The course will comprise lectures, patient demonstrations and group work on diagnosis and treatment. Considerable emphasis will be on diagnosis and treatment of severe acute malnutrition.
KursustilmeldingN/A, the course has taken place
Deadline for tilmeldingN/A, the course has taken place
Pointværdi4 (ECTS)
Rammer for UndervisningField course, Uganda.
Lectures, patient demonstrations and group work on diagnosis and treatment. Considerable emphasis will be on diagnosis and treatment of severe acute malnutrition. Approximately 20 lectures on health systems, a range of specific infections, physiology and treatment of
severe acute malnutrition, with an emphasis on paediatrics. PhD-students will be presenting their own project, and be prepared to respond to questions. Approximately 25 scientific papers and treatment guidelines will be used as course material.
A combination of lectures, patient demonstrations, group work, and excursions.
The course gives the students an understand of the health systems, the disease spectrum, and the challenges in low-income countries. It provides the students with knowledge and hands-on experience about manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of common paediatric conditions, including severe acute malnutrition, and insights into the scientific and operational research questions.
Henrik Friis, hfr@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Børneernæring Og International Ernæring, Tlf: 353-33860
Andre forlæsere
A number of Danish and Ugandan lecturers, primarily from University of Copenhagen and Makerere University.
Kursus omkostninger
DKK 12.500, including travel and accomodation.
Oral evaluation at the end of the course.
praktiske øvelser8