LPhD181 Mass spectrometry coupled to separation techniques in environmental analytical chemistry

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø

ForskeruddannelsesprogramEnvironmental Chemistry, Microbiology and Toxicology (RECETO)
KursusdatoerLectures in block 3, and project with individual method development and optimisation as part time here after, incl. report writing.
KursustilmeldingAd hoc, contact source responsible
Deadline for tilmeldingAd hoc, contact source responsible
Pointværdi7 (ECTS)
Text book materials on the current types of MS techniques and principles are studied. A number of applications for determination of selected contaminants in soil, water and plant material samples will be studied in combination with hands-on instrument exercises with GC-MS incl. ionization methods, tandem MS, mass spectra interpretation for compounds and metabolites. The hands-on part includes an experimental study of compounds relevant to their project and selection and optimisation of the appropriate techniques. Each student writes a literature review of the application of GC-MS in environmental analysis of selected compound groups, and discuss own experimental data in this context. This review is assessed. In total approx. 205 hrs (40:60 between textbook/review and hands-on experiments/data handling).
Lectures, exercises and individual project in the laboratory.
The course objectives are to provide the participants with an insight in mass spectrometry (MS) and the use of liquid chromatography (LC) and gas chromatography (GC) coupled with MS. The course will focus on MS used for both qualitative and quantitative analysis and the goal is to provide basic knowledge about MS, tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS), ionization techniques, mass spectrum interpretation, and specific principles on the coupling of separation techniques with MS with the primary focus on GC-MS.
D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York + peer-reviewed papers for method development in individual experimental project.
Bjarne W. Strobel, bjwe@life.ku.dk, Institut for Grundvidenskab og Miljø, Tlf: 353-32411
Andre forlæsere
Jan H. Christensen, IGM
Free for PhD students. Others: Pls. contact the organizers.
Kursus omkostninger
Experimental costs paid by the PhD student.
The written report is assessed.