LVEK11007 Advanced Companion Animal Track Offered 2013/2014

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme

English TitleAdvanced Companion Animal Track Offered 2013/2014
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 2. år
VarighedTo blokke
Pointværdi26.5 (ECTS)
EksamenLøbende eksamen

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Portfolio eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: Continuous evaluation Port folio examination. All aids allowedDescription of Examination: Week-to-week evaluation, where elements such as self-assessment, case presentation in plenum and inter-collegial communication skills, assignments in clinical specialities/electives are part of the evaluation

7-trinsskala, intern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenCompulsory attendance: Attendance to 80% of all clinical rotations/parts is required. The supervisor decides how the student should compensate for any failure to attend.
Rammer for UndervisningPart 1: Internal medicine and specialities (4 weeks) Part 2: Special surgery (4 weeks) Part 3: Diagnostic Imaging (1 week), Clinical patology (1 week), intensive care and emergency medicine (2x1 week) Part 4: Electives and anaesthesia (4-5 weeks)
BlokplaceringBlok 3
Ugestruktur: Udenfor ugestruktur, Year 2 team 1

Blok 4
Ugestruktur: Udenfor ugestruktur, Year 2 team 1

Blok 1
Ugestruktur: Udenfor ugestruktur, Year 3 team 2

Blok 2
Ugestruktur: Udenfor ugestruktur, Year 3 team 2
Begrænset deltagerantalForbeholdt veterinærstuderende.
Clinical rotations in· Internal medicine· Emergency and critical care· Cardiology and oncology· Neurology and ophthalmology· Soft tissue surgery and orthopedic surgery· Anaesthesia· Clinical pathology and diagnostic imaging· Electives: any of the above or dermatology, dentistry, exotics, or external rotation
Practicals, colloquia, rounds og seminars
The purpose of this clinical course is that the student must acquire the knowledge, clinical skills and competencies required to examine, evaluate, identify problems, formulate diagnostic, therapeutic (incl. nutritional, physical therapy, or other), and client educational plans, manage and provide client communication in complex clinical cases from the referral services in the SA-VTH. The course thus relates to the Danish Act of Veterinarians (Lov om dyrlæger (Lov nr. 433 af 09/06-2004) §12 stk. 1, pkt.. 2). Overall aim: From graduation, to be able to function well as a clinician in a specialized small animal practice or successfully pursue a formal internship program in a university or private practice setting.Having completed the course, the student should be able to:
·To explain physical examination, problem oriented approach to diagnostic work up and initial problem list formulation for patients.
.To explain the systematic four step (confirm, localize, disease process, diagnosis) basis for formulation of diagnostic, therapeutic and client information plans.
·To explain the indications and use of relevant clinical pathological, diagnostic imaging and other paraclinical diagnostic methods including their evaluation and interpretation as well as any possible risks of adverse effects.
·To explain clinical decision making, pathophysiological mechanisms, treatment, management and follow up for diseases relevant in a specialized companion animal practice setting.
·To explain especially relevant zoonotic diseases in a specialized companion animal practice setting
·For the most important treatments in specialized companion animal practice, to be able to explain indications, treatment principles, mechanisms of action, technical procedures including anaesthesia and surgery and complications and adverse effects.
Skills In a specialized companion animal practice setting:
·To perform independent history taking, physical examination, problem identification, problems oriented diagnostic work up including plan formulation (diagnostic, therapeutic, client informational) as well as evaluate and interpret results of diagnostic tests and modalities.
·To perform client communication, POMR based clinical decision making.
·To describe pathophysiological mechanisms.
·To perform treatment, management and follow-up for the most important medical and surgical diseases and conditions in specialized companion animal practice.
·Use correct veterinary medical terminology
·Be able to maintain, train and further develop clinical skills and competencies
·To independently establish a diagnostic plan for the sick animal and suggest relevant differential diagnosis based on the POMR four step process
·To independently diagnose and treat life threatening conditions
·To establish and maintain relevant and sufficient POMR based electronic records.
·To be able to work as part of the team with patient responsibility for a small number of patients and this way function as a team resource and "rookie" clinician
·To present a patient in a veterinary medical forum both orally and written.
·To write a referral letter for the referring veterinarian
·To reflect on own competences and limitations and to know when to refer a patient.
·To reflect over the importance of own continuing education as a veterinarian in specialized companion animal practice and take responsibility for own continuing education.
·To reflect upon evaluation of evidencebased diagnosis and treatment principles, including critical evaluation of relevant scientific publications.
.To reflect on and understand the management and leadership necessary for successful practice in a specialized small animal practice.
Literature references will be disclosed not later than 1 month before the course.
Jørgen Koch,, Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme/Medicin, Klinisk Patologi, Tlf: 353-32933
Studienævn V
praktiske øvelser460