LVEK11008 Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction - Large Animal Offered 2012/2013

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Produktionsdyr og Heste   97 %
Institut for Basal Husdyr- og Veterinærvidenskab   3 %

English TitleMedicine, Surgery and Reproduction - Large Animal
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år
VarighedTo blokke
Pointværdi15 (ECTS)

skriftlig prøve

Skriftlig auditorieeksamen

uden hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 4 hour written examination

Vægtning: 100%

7-trinsskala, ekstern censur
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamen80% participation in practicals
Rammer for UndervisningLectures and practicals. The practicals will be planned in coorporation with IMHS.
BlokplaceringBlok 1
Ugestruktur: Udenfor ugestruktur, Year 1

Blok 2
Ugestruktur: Udenfor ugestruktur, Year 1
In the morning but also whole day exercise can be ecpected

Anbefalede forudsætningerLVEB10407
Begrænset deltagerantalForbeholdt veterinærstuderende.
The aim of this course is to give the students knowledge about organ related diseases and infectious diseases in large animals. The complexity of diseases will be brought to light through understanding of the individual animal and the influence of the environment. The students should acquire a foundation of knowledge and understanding about the general mechanisms of large animal diseases and health. The lectures will provide the theoretical foundation for the practicals and give the basic knowledge necessary for the following courses.

Clinical examination technique
The course gives the foundation for diagnostic work up and treatment of large animals.
The goal is to teach the students to do independent and systematic clinical examinations on both the individual animal and in relation to the herd. The Course teaches the importance of correct and precise clinical examination and documentation. The course will also give an introduction to herd analyses.
Basic sample taking (feces, milk, blood, rumen contents and semen collection) will be included in the practical training.

Surgical technique - large animals
The course is the foundation for surgical procedures in large animals (equine, cattle, small ruminants and pigs).
Some standard surgical skills and procedures will be taught together with basic and practical anesthesia on pigs and cattle.
The focus will be:
. Basic procedures for anesthesia and recovery.
. Aseptic and how to handle lack of aseptic.
. Preparations before surgery.

Learning outcomes:

Having completed the practicals, the student should be able to:
. Know the basic surgical instruments and how to use them.
. Know different suture materials and techniques
. Explain and perform the fundamental principles of surgical techniques including handling of tissue and hemostasis.
Lectures and practicals
Having completed the course, the student should be able to:

. The sciences on which the activities of veterinary surgeons are based
. The aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of the common diseases and disorders that occur in the large animal species in the EU

. Be aware of the ethical responsibilities of veterinarians in relation to individual animal care, client relations, as well as more generally in the community in relation to their possible impact on the environment and society as a whole
. Be aware of the economic and emotional climate in which the veterinarians practice, and respond appropriately to the influence of such pressures
. Be willing to use one's professional capabilities to contribute, as far as possible, to the advancement of veterinary knowledge in order to further improve the quality of animal care, animal welfare, and veterinary public health (evidence based medicine).
. Act in a professional manner with regard to the veterinarian's professional and legal responsibilities as well as understanding and applying the ethical codes of the appropriate regulatory bodies.
. Be able to cope with uncertainty and adapt to change
. Be aware of personal limitations, and demonstrate awareness of when and from where to seek professional advice, assistance and support.
. Have a basic knowledge of the veterinary service

. Obtain an accurate and relevant history of the individual animal or animal group, and its/their environment
. Handle and restrain an animal safely and humanely, and instruct others in performing these techniques
. Perform a complete clinical examination. Understand common emergency and basic first aid procedures on domestic animals (Commentary: problems to be handled for any species include first aid management of haemorrhage, wounds, breathing difficulties, eye & ear injuries, unconsciousness, clinical deterioration, burns, tissue damage, internal organ damage and cardiac arrest. First aid to be applied includes bandaging, cleaning, immobilising limbs, resuscitation procedures, haemorrhage control.)
. Correctly apply principles of sterilisation of surgical equipment
. Correctly apply principles of aseptic surgery
. Safely perform sedation, general and regional anaesthesia, as well as assessing and control of pain
. Advise on, and administer appropriate treatment for common diseases.
Large Animal Internal Medicine. Bradford P. Smith, 4th edition, 2009. Mosby Elsevier. ISBN-13: 978-0323009461 / ISBN-10: 0323009468

Bovine Surgery and Lameness. Weaver, St. Jean and Steiner, 2nd edition.
2005. Blackwell Publishing ISBN 9781405123822

Pig Diseases. Taylor, D.J.: 8th. edition
St. Edmundsbury Press Ltd. 2006 ISBN 0 95069327 8

Klinisk undersøgelsesmetodik og journalskrivning.
Eriksen, L.: DSR, 1991

Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Lumb & Jones, 4th edition.
Blackwell Publishing 2007. ISBN: 9780781754712

Equine Surgery. Jorg A. Auer og John A. Stick. 3rd edition.
W.B. Saunders Company 2005 ISBN 9781416001232

Veterinary Medicine, A textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats.
Otto M. Radostits, ed.
10th edition Saunders 2006 ISBN 0702027774 / 9780702027772

Arthur's Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics
Julie Fjeldborg,, Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste/Faggruppe: Medicin og Kirurgi, Tlf: 353-32872
Studienævn V
praktiske øvelser93
teoretiske øvelser12