LVEK11012 Herd Health and Food Safety Offered 2013/2014

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Produktionsdyr og Heste   66 %
Institut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi   30 %
Institut for Basal Husdyr- og Veterinærvidenskab   2 %
Institut for Fødevarevidenskab   2 %

English TitleHerd Health and Food Safety
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 2. år
VarighedTo blokke
Pointværdi26.5 (ECTS)
EksamenLøbende eksamen

skriftlig og mundtlig eksamen

Alle hjælpemidler tilladt

Beskrivelse af eksamen: A. Oral exam based on comparative analysis of food production from stable to table through reports and seminars. Passed/not passed. B. Practical/oral exam in "small" project. Passed/not passed. C. Oral exam in "large project" within herd health or food safety based on report. Grades: 7-trin

Vægtning: Grade is based 100% on exam C. To pass the course exams A and B have to be passed.

7-trinsskala, intern censur
Rammer for UndervisningDTU 6%
BlokplaceringBlok 3
Ugestruktur: Udenfor ugestruktur

Blok 4
Ugestruktur: Udenfor ugestruktur
Begrænset deltagerantalForbeholdt veterinærstuderende.
The course is divided in three parts:

A. Comparative analysis of food production from stable to table (week 1-4). Compulsory for all students. Each of the subjects: Food safety, cattle, pig, mink, poultry, fish, consumer perception and chemical food safety in the food chain will be addressed equally (10%). The remaining 20% will be applied in the comparative analysis concerning production conditions, animal health, advisory sevice and food safety in animal and food production. Reports and other course activities are prepared in groups of 3-5 students.

B. Small project (week 2-4, blok 4): The students will choose a project among selected, relevant topics such as: Animal production and health aqua culture and poultry production, chemical and microbial risk assessment, emerging pathogens and globalization, outbreak investigations, surgical procedures on cattle in the large animal hospital in Tåstrup, methods to investigate large populations, advanced diagnostics and therapy in farm animals. The minimum group size will be announced at the beginning of the course. The project can be based on visits to clinical practices and stays abroad.

C. Large project (week 5-8, blok 3, week 5-8 blok 4): The students will choose a project in either 1) Food safety or 2) health analysis.

1. Large project - food safety:
Food safety covers both chemical and microbial aspects and is divided in thematic topics. In chemical food safety the basic principles of risk assessment is covered particularly in relation to feed. In microbial part the food safety is centred on the principles of new and existing methods for sampling and detection of zoonotic microorganisms as well the principles of typing and typing methods and their use in outbreak investigations. Also emerging food safety threats will be covered and how national and international surveillance systems deal with these challenges. The knowledge will be applied in a project report.

2. Large project - herd health:
In block 3 a herd with access to production and health data will be identified. The herd will be followed in block 3 and 4 during which contact is established with local veterinarians and other advisors.

The herd studies will be analyzed in relation to the strategic goals of the individual student and in relation to farm data, personnel and management issues, the production apparatus, hygienic and climate conditions in the sables, the feed as well as clinical status. Based on these analyses an intervention plan will be outlined including health and economical aspects and plans for follow up.

The course will provide the student with competences within counselling of decision makers in eliminating disease in herds as well as promote animal health and welfare, fertility, food safety and efficacy in production animal farming.

Reports will be written in groups of 3-5 persons.
Type of teaching: Lectures, seminars, project activities, excursions and supervision. Background for choice of teaching type: The projects take offset in food safety cases and herds as this will provide the best possibilities for understanding the fundamental conditions concerning herd and official veterinarian functions. On initiative of the students colloquia will be held. Relevant laboratory methods will be trained during practical exercises.
The goal of the course is to provide the students with the advanced skills needed in order to full fill the functions as herd and official veterinarians.

The student should be able to use terms and methods for the diagnosis of diseases and outbreak investigations in flocks and herds and to promote health, fertility, food safety and efficacy in the food supply chain and in animal production.

By the end of the course the student should be able to:


Provide an overview of the background for and the content of the positions as herd and official veterinarians according to current legislation.


Organise, conduct data collection and data mining concerning disease, health, fertility, food safety and efficacy in the food chain.

Seek and explain relevant literature within the topics of the course.

Apply relevant quantitative and qualitative analysis methods.

Apply laboratory methods for diagnostics and outbreak investigations in herds and in food control.

Communicate complex biological, practical and technical topics to fellow students and peers as well as to the public.


Independently and in cooperation with others apply the course content both theoretically and practically to overall advise of consumers, decision makers in governmental institutions, in the animal production units and in the food sector.

This should be conducted in a way that demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the conditions in Denmark and to a lesser extent in international perspective and with an emphasis on the ability to evaluate and contemplate the complex interplay between animal production, animal health, the framework of animal production (such as economy and legislation), farm management, counselling, legislation and ethics.
Carsten Enevoldsen,, Institut for Produktionsdyr og Heste/Faggruppe: Produktion og sundhed, Tlf: 353-32683
Hanne Ingmer,, Institut for Veterinær Sygdomsbiologi/Mikrobiologi, Tlf: 353-32773
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