LLEK10291 Nutritional Study Design and Status Assessment

Ansvarligt institutInstitut for Human Ernæring

English TitleNutritional Study Design and Status Assessment
Tidligst mulig placeringKandidat 1.år til Kandidat 2. år
VarighedEn blok
Pointværdi7.5 (ECTS)

skriftlig prøve

Skriftlig auditorieeksamen

uden hjælpemidler

Beskrivelse af eksamen: 1 hour individual multiple choice written exam.

Vægtning: 1 hour individual multiple choise written exam (100 %)

7-trinsskala, intern censur

08. november 2012
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenApproval of written report and participation in the group based oral presentation of the report
Rammer for UndervisningLectures, theoretical and practical exercises.
BlokplaceringBlock 1
Ugestruktur: A
Obligatoriske forudsætningerLLEK10264 Nutrition Physiology
The course Nutrition Physiology should be passed or to be taken at the same time.
Begrænset deltagerantal80 students. The course is reserved for students at the MSc in Human Nutrition and MSc in Clinical Nutrition.
Introduction to theoretical and practical application of energy metabolism and measuring methods in indirect calorimetry. Theoretical introduction and practical use of anthropometric measurements. Theoretical introduction and practical use of various biochemical measurements, including blood and urine parameters. Theoretical introduction to analyses of weighed dietary food registrations, food frequency questionnaires and 24 hour recall as methods for determination of nutrient intake on group and individual level.
The course includes one teaching module each week with lectures, and theoretical and practical exercises. Lectures will be given in plenum and theoretical exercises in smaller groups. During the practical exercises the students will work together in groups and are expected to carry out some practical exercises. During the practical exercises, measurements are produced and analyses on the students themselves or on the students' own blood, respiratory gasses urine etc. are taken. Subsequently, the students are to design and perform in groups their own experiment based on the learning outcomes from the lectures and practical exercises. This part of the work will result in a written report and abstract, to be orally presented during a common conference. The students are expected to act as opponents for other groups, but the final judgment of the project and oral presentation quality will be done by the course responsible.
- Describe measuring methods for determination of energy and macronutrient metabolism.
- Describe methods for determination of energy requirements.
- Describe biomarkers and anthropometric measures for evaluating nutrient status.
- Describe methods for determination of nutrient intake and status.

- Be able to explain intake and energy metabolism and macronutrients theoretically, and evaluate the methods used in relation to this.
- Be able to explain, both theoretically and practically, the applicability of biomarkers by determination of nutrient status.
- Be able to explain, both theoretically and practically, the applicability of nutritional anthropometrics. Be able to design, perform, document and present own
methodological study used for determination of energy and nutritional status.
- Be able to perform statistical analyses of own experimental dataset.

- Be able to discuss pros and cons of the methods used for measurement and evaluation of nutrient intake, status and energy requirements.
- Be able to use STATA program.
Shils, M.E., Shike, M. Ross, A.C., Caballero, B., Cousins, R.J.: Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 10th ed., Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 2005.
Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2004, 4th ed.
Gibson RS. Principles of Nutritional Assessment 2. edition, 2005. Oxford University Press.
Anita Belza Sparre, anbe@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Fedme og Appetitregulering, Tlf: 353-33281
Alicja Budek Mark, alzb@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring/Bioaktive Fødevarer og Sundhed, Tlf: 516-80511
Lars Klingenberg, lakl@life.ku.dk, Institut for Human Ernæring, Tlf: 514-89435
Studienævn LSN
teoretiske øvelser46