lphd199 Exploring methods, processes and results in architectural research

Ansvarligt institutSkov & Landskab

ForskeruddannelsesprogramForest, Landscape and Planning (REFOLANA)
Kursusdatoer18th, 19th and 30th Sept. 2013, 9am-5pm
Kursus resuméWorkshop and discussion. How can architectural working methods be part of research in landscape architecture, strategic planning and urbanism. What challenges and potentials do these approaches contain in the interplay with adjacent scientific traditions; social science, natural science and the humanities.
Deadline for tilmeldingBefore 1st September 2013
Pointværdi5 (ECTS)
Begrænset deltagerantal8-12
Guest lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Ing. Martin Prominski, (Professor Institut für Freiraumentwicklung, Leibniz Universität Hannover since 2009) is a landscape architect, researcher and educator. He gained his PhD "Komplexes Landschaft entwerfen" and his research combines landscape and design theory. Currently he is engaged in the research project "Landscape Choreography, from wasted land to shared space" which supports collective practices of urban gardening and encourages an innovative European culture of common spaces through an interdisciplinary approach that integrate public art, landscape architecture, performing art, and socio-anthropological analysis. In the transdiciplinary research, teaching and practice network "Studio Urban Landschaften" he set up an international symposium in july 2008 discussing "Research by Design - the Case of Urban Landscapes".

Prof. Dr. Arch. Catharina Dyrssen (Professor at Chalmers Architecture, Gothenburg, Sweden since 2004) is an architect with a background also in musicology. Her research activities have been focused on design method in architecture and design based research/artistic research, and urban research besides the relationship between architecture and music. Within the field of artistic research she has most notably published "Navigating in Heterogeneity: Architectural Thinking as Research" in the Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts. London & New York: Routledge, 2010.
The central part of the course will be a three day workshop with guest professors martin Prominski and Catharine Dyrssen. Programme: Day 1: Introduction lectures and first session of student poster presentations and discussion regarding methods, process and results in architectural research. Day 2: Practical workshop for revision of the individual posters. Day 3-5: Students working independently revising the content and storyline of the posters. Day 6: Second poster session followed by joint discussion and evaluation together with the guest lecturers. A 40 minute slot will be allocated in the first session to each participant intended for 15 minutes presentation and 25 minutes discussion. For the second session a 25 minute slot will provide each participant with 10 minutes presentation and 15 minutes discussion.
The purpose of the PhD-course is to create a frame that builds upon the tradition of design-studios/workshops which is essential for the form of the architectural and landscape architectural education. In this form focus is on thorough and shared commenting and discussion of the individual project presented in a graphical visual illustrated format. The situation of landscape architecture and urbanism (and to some degree also architecture), is to work within a field where impermanence, process and fluctuation are central premises for the context the 'results' will enter and contribute to discuss. And where visual and graphical forms of communication might be the most evident.
Focus of this course is on partly non-written dissemination, partly written acknowledging the ambition to meet a format that can build upon and develop the tradition for PhD-studies within the above mentioned fields at KU Science.
Literature: A compendium covering extracts from key literature within the field will be distributed to the participants prior to the course.
Ellen Marie Braae, embra@life.ku.dk, Skov & Landskab/Afd. For Parker Og Urbane Landskaber, Tlf: 353-31792
Andre forlæsere
Marin Prominski Catharine Dyrssen
Requirements: The PhD students are requested to hand in a brief description prior to the first session of the course (Sept18th-19th) and a final revised poster for the second session of the course (Sept 30th) . Preparation of A0 poster presenting a selected part of the students own PhD project in graphical form supported by short and concise text. . Reading of course literature and participation in the course and workshop, including active contributions to the discussion.
praktiske øvelser8


Andre bemærkninger
Research institution: Division of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen Responsible professors/supervisors: Ellen Braae, Professor, landscape architect MAA PhD, Head of Studies and Bettina Lamm, Associate Professor PhD landscape architect MAA MDL Organization: Rosalina W.-Torgard and Anne Wagner, PhD students, research group Landscape Architecture and Urbanism