CourseCatalogVersion | Course code | Title DK | Title UK | IsPhd |
2004/2005 | 010311 | Lineær algebra | Linear Algebra | False |
2004/2005 | 010611 | Statistisk grundkursus | Statistics, Basic Course | False |
2004/2005 | 010888 | Databehandling | Data processing | False |
2004/2005 | 015111 | Programmering | Programming | False |
2004/2005 | 015128 | Udvidet programmering | Programming, Advanced Course | False |
2004/2005 | 015211 | Bioinformatik | Bioinformatics | False |
2004/2005 | 015311 | Matematisk grundkursus | Mathematics, basic course | False |
2004/2005 | 015338 | Optimeringsmetoder | Optimisation Methods | False |
2004/2005 | 015341 | Differentialligninger | Differential Equations | False |
2004/2005 | 015421 | Statistisk Forsøgsplanlægning | Experimental Statistical Design | False |
2004/2005 | 016040 | Biomodels | Biomodels | False |
2004/2005 | 018060 | Praktisk statistisk dataanalyse | Statistical Data Analysis in Practice | False |
2004/2005 | 019711 | Regressionsanalyse | Regression Analysis | False |
2004/2005 | 021418 | Isotopteknik og helsefysik | Isotope Methodology and Radiation Protection | False |
2004/2005 | 025118 | Anvendt fysik | Applied Physics | False |
2004/2005 | 025211 | Biofysik | Biophysics | False |
2004/2005 | 025318 | Fysiske metoder i biologien | Biological Applications of Physics | False |
2004/2005 | 025541 | Klima, vejr og planter | Climate, weather and plants | False |
2004/2005 | 030611 | Analytisk og fysisk kemi | Analytical and Physical Chemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 035131 | Kemi 1 | Chemistry 1 | False |
2004/2005 | 035141 | Kemi 2 | Chemistry 2 | False |
2004/2005 | 035210 | Biokemisk øvelseskursus | Biochemistry, Laboratory Course | False |
2004/2005 | 035218 | Biokemi | Biochemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 035311 | Geologi og jordbundslære | Geology and Soil Science | False |
2004/2005 | 035321 | Pedologi | Pedology | False |
2004/2005 | 035340 | Environmental Soil Chemistry | Environmental Soil Chemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 035341 | Biologiske makromolekylers kemi | Chemistry of Macromolecules in Biological Systems | False |
2004/2005 | 035511 | Spektroskopi | Spectroscopy | False |
2004/2005 | 035610 | Eksperimentel organisk kemi | Organic Chemistry, Laboratory Course | False |
2004/2005 | 035618 | Organisk kemi | Organic Chemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 035711 | Jordbundslære | Soil Science | False |
2004/2005 | 035911 | Plant Biochemistry | Plant Biochemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 036112 | Metalioner i biologiske systemer | Metal Ions in Biological Systems | False |
2004/2005 | 036304 | European Field Excursions in Environmental Science | European Field Excursions in Environmental Science | False |
2004/2005 | 038010 | Eksperimentel biokemi | Experimental Biochemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 038050 | Jordbundskortlægning | Soil and Land Use Classification | False |
2004/2005 | 038516 | Tema: Biologisk kemi | Thematic Course: Biological Chemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 040420 | Byernes økologi | Urban Ecology | False |
2004/2005 | 040568 | BioLinux: Bioinformatics and Linux Course | BioLinux: Bioinformatics and Linux Course | False |
2004/2005 | 045122 | Genetik | Genetics | False |
2004/2005 | 045141 | Vedplanters genetik | Genetics of Woody Plants | False |
2004/2005 | 045158 | Management of Genetic Resources of Woody Plants | Management of Genetic Resources of Woody Plants | False |
2004/2005 | 045320 | Mikrobiologi | Microbiology | False |
2004/2005 | 045331 | Miljømikrobiologi | Environmental Microbiology | False |
2004/2005 | 045518 | Zoologi | Zoology | False |
2004/2005 | 045541 | Økologi | Ecology | False |
2004/2005 | 045658 | Biological Control of Insects | Biological Control of Insects | False |
2004/2005 | 045678 | Biological Control of Pests and Diseases in Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry | Biological Control of Pests and Diseases in Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry | False |
2004/2005 | 045689 | Research Topic in Biological Control of Plant Diseases in Agriculture and Horticulture | Research Topic in Biological Control of Plant Diseases in Agriculture and Horticulture | False |
2004/2005 | 045718 | Faunaens vilkår og pleje i skov og åbent land | Fauna management in forests and open landscapes | False |
2004/2005 | 045728 | Faunaen i det byprægede landskab | Fauna in Urbanized Landscapes | False |
2004/2005 | 045741 | Skadedyr og sygdomme i skovbruget | Forest Zoology and Forest Pathology | False |
2004/2005 | 045918 | Økologisk forvaltning af skov- og naturressourcer | Ecological Management of Nature Based Resources | False |
2004/2005 | 045931 | Landskabsøkologi | Landscape Ecology | False |
2004/2005 | 045941 | Applied Ecology | Applied Ecology | False |
2004/2005 | 045951 | Global Seminar: Environment and Sustainable Food Systems | Global Seminar: Environment and Sustainable Food Systems | False |
2004/2005 | 045961 | International Seminar: Agriculture, Food Systems and Environment | International Seminar: Agriculture, Food Systems and Environment | False |
2004/2005 | 046121 | Genome and Cell Biology | Genome and Cell Biology | False |
2004/2005 | 046230 | Genetisk Analyse | Genetic Analysis | False |
2004/2005 | 046313 | Parasite Systematics | Parasite Systematics | False |
2004/2005 | 046411 | Markernes skadedyr, nyttedyr og øvrige fauna | Insect Pests, Beneficials and other Fauna of Arable Fields | False |
2004/2005 | 048017 | Akvakultur | Aquaculture | False |
2004/2005 | 048019 | Multidisciplinary Tropical Field Course | Multidisciplinary Tropical Field Course | False |
2004/2005 | 048020 | Projekt i landskabsøkologi | Project in Landscape Ecology | False |
2004/2005 | 048021 | Molecular and Physiological Plant Pathology | Molecular and Physiological Plant Pathology | False |
2004/2005 | 048069 | Mikrobiel økologi | Microbial Ecology | False |
2004/2005 | 048070 | Diagnosis of Diseases and Pests of Agricultural and Horticultural Plants | Diagnosis of Diseases and Pests of Agricultural and Horticultural Plants | False |
2004/2005 | 048072 | Vildtforvaltning | Wildlife Management | False |
2004/2005 | 048073 | The Tropical and Subtropical Environment | The Tropical and Subtropical Environment | False |
2004/2005 | 048074 | Akvatisk Biologi | Aquatic Biology | False |
2004/2005 | 048075 | Bakteriel fysiologi og genetik | Bacterial Physiology and Genetics | False |
2004/2005 | 048516 | Tema: Jordbundsmikrobiologi | Thematic Course: Soil Microbiology | False |
2004/2005 | 048526 | Tema: Mikrobiel bioteknologi | Theme: Microbial Biotechnology | False |
2004/2005 | 048536 | Thematic Course: Ecology of Parasites | Thematic Course: Ecology of Parasites | False |
2004/2005 | 052558 | Afgrødelære | Crop Science | False |
2004/2005 | 055110 | Herbarium i almen landbrugsbotanik | Herbarium in Basic Agricultural Botany | False |
2004/2005 | 055118 | Almen botanik for landskabsarkitekter | Botany for Landscape Architects, Basic | False |
2004/2005 | 055248 | Almen landbrugsbotanik | Basic Agricultural Botany | False |
2004/2005 | 055271 | Plantegeografi og danske plantesamfund | Plant Geography and Danish Plant Communities | False |
2004/2005 | 055286 | Tropical Botany | Tropical Botany | False |
2004/2005 | 055292 | Videregående systematisk botanik | Advanced Systematic Botany | False |
2004/2005 | 055411 | Planteforædling | Plant Breeding | False |
2004/2005 | 055511 | Plantevækstfaktorer og afgrødefysiologi A | Plant Growth Factors and Crop Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 055638 | Jord og vand i planteproduktionen | Soil and Water Management in Crop Production | False |
2004/2005 | 055639 | Planternes ernæring i land- og havebruget | Plant Nutrition in Agriculture and Horticulture | False |
2004/2005 | 055651 | Miljø, naturressourcer og jordbrug | Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture | False |
2004/2005 | 055711 | Introduktionskursus i planteproduktion | Introduction Course in Crop Production | False |
2004/2005 | 055714 | Land Resources and Crop Production in the Tropics - A | Land Resources and Crop Production in the Tropics - A | False |
2004/2005 | 055715 | Land Resources and Crop Production in the Tropics - B | Land Resources and Crop Production in the Tropics - B | False |
2004/2005 | 055725 | Plant Genomics | Plant Genomics | False |
2004/2005 | 055729 | Ukrudtslære | Weed Science | False |
2004/2005 | 055838 | Plant Virology | Plant Virology | False |
2004/2005 | 055849 | Disease Resistance in Plants | Disease Resistance in Plants | False |
2004/2005 | 055851 | Plantesygdomme | Plant Diseases | False |
2004/2005 | 055858 | Research Topic in Disease Resistance | Research Topic in Disease Resistance | False |
2004/2005 | 055912 | Planteanvendelse | Design with Plants | False |
2004/2005 | 055922 | Videregående planteanvendelse | Plant Materials and Planting Design, Advanced | False |
2004/2005 | 056011 | Bioteknologi - Erhvervsindsigtskursus | Biotechnology - Vocational | False |
2004/2005 | 056121 | Almen forstbotanik | Forestry Botany, Basic | False |
2004/2005 | 056422 | Adaptive Physiology and Tree Management | Adaptive Physiology and Tree Management | False |
2004/2005 | 056532 | Skovdyrkningens biologi og teknik | Silviculture | False |
2004/2005 | 056618 | Agroforestry | Agroforestry | False |
2004/2005 | 056811 | Crop Protection in the Tropics: Pests and Diseases | Crop Protection in the Tropics: Pests and Diseases | False |
2004/2005 | 056918 | Plant Physiology | Plant Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 057211 | Planteanatomi | Plant Anatomy | False |
2004/2005 | 057518 | Plantebiologi | Plant Biology | False |
2004/2005 | 057521 | Planters økofysiologi | Plant Ecological Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 057611 | Cellebiologi | Cell Biology | False |
2004/2005 | 057612 | Cellebiologi u/øvelser | Cell Biology | False |
2004/2005 | 058015 | Kulturplanters botanik, oprindelse og udvikling | Botany, Origin and Evolution of Cultivated Plants | False |
2004/2005 | 058016 | Pyntegrøntdyrkning | Christmas Tree and Greenery Production | False |
2004/2005 | 058017 | Diagnostisk vedanatomi | Diagnostic Wood Anatomy | False |
2004/2005 | 058020 | Applied Bioinformatics | Applied Bioinformatics | False |
2004/2005 | 058063 | Pleje af Plantninger | Plant Management | False |
2004/2005 | 058071 | Seed Science and Technology | Seed Science and Technology | False |
2004/2005 | 058501 | Thematic Course: Ecological Agriculture l (SOCRATES European Curriculum) | Thematic Course: Ecological Agriculture l (SOCRATES European Curriculum) | False |
2004/2005 | 058505 | Thematic Course: Plant Protection - Pests and Diseases | Thematic Course: Plant Protection - Pests and Diseases | False |
2004/2005 | 058538 | Thematic Course: Plant Biotechnology | Thematic Course: Plant Biotechnology | False |
2004/2005 | 058546 | Tema: Plantevækstfaktorer og Afgrødefysiologi B | Thematic Course: Crop Growth Factors and Crop Physiology B | False |
2004/2005 | 058568 | Tema: Eksperimentel molekylærbiologi | Theme: Experimental Molecular Biology | False |
2004/2005 | 058598 | Tema: Planteproduktion og miljø | Thematic Course: Crop Production and the Environment | False |
2004/2005 | 060012 | Cattle Production Systems | Cattle Production Systems | False |
2004/2005 | 060013 | Pig Production Systems | Pig Production Systems | False |
2004/2005 | 060021 | Husdyrproduktion, Grundkursus | Animal production, basic course | False |
2004/2005 | 065111 | Husdyrenes anatomi og fysiologi | Animal Anatomy and Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 065248 | Epidemiologi | Epidemiology | False |
2004/2005 | 065260 | Sundhed og smittebeskyttelse i produktionsbesætninger | Herd Health and Biosecurity | False |
2004/2005 | 065311 | Almen husdyravl | Animal Breeding, Basic Course | False |
2004/2005 | 065331 | Advanced Animal Breeding | Advanced Animal Breeding | False |
2004/2005 | 065512 | Etologi | Ethology | False |
2004/2005 | 065811 | Pelsdyrproduktion | Fur Animal Production | False |
2004/2005 | 066011 | Praktisk husdyrproduktion | Production of Domestic Animals | False |
2004/2005 | 066116 | Advanced Herd Management | Advanced Herd Management | False |
2004/2005 | 066311 | Parasitological Methods | Parasitological Methods | False |
2004/2005 | 066321 | Parasitic Zoonoses | Parasitic Zoonoses | False |
2004/2005 | 068010 | Hestens avl og ernæring | Horse Breeding and Nutrition | False |
2004/2005 | 068010NY | Hestens ernæring og sundhed | Horse Nutrition and Healtn | False |
2004/2005 | 068012 | Får og andre små drøvtyggere | Sheep and other small ruminants | False |
2004/2005 | 068014 | Poultry Production Systems | Poultry Production Systems | False |
2004/2005 | 068015 | Applied Ethology - Theory and Practice | Applied Ethology - Theory and Practice | False |
2004/2005 | 068065 | Mælkeproduktion | Milk Production | False |
2004/2005 | 068068 | Genomanalyse og sygdomsgenetik hos dyr | Genome Analysis and Disease Genetics in Animals | False |
2004/2005 | 068069 | Experimental Genome Analysis in Animals | Experimental Genome Analysis in Animals | False |
2004/2005 | 068500 | Thematic Course: Animal Production | Thematic Course: Animal Production | False |
2004/2005 | 068526 | Tema: Husdyrfysiologi og husdyrernæring | Thematic Course: Animal Physiology and Nutrition | False |
2004/2005 | 068536 | Theme: Animal Biotechnology | Theme: Animal Biotechnology | False |
2004/2005 | 068546 | Theme: Quantitative Experimental Animal Nutrition and Physiology | Theme: Quantitative Experimental Animal Nutrition and Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 071218 | Levnedsmiddelmikrobiologi | Food Microbiology | False |
2004/2005 | 071230 | Diagnostisk bakteriologi | Diagnostic Bacteriology | False |
2004/2005 | 071318 | Levnedsmiddeltoksikologi | Food Toxicology (Chemical Food safety) | False |
2004/2005 | 073112 | Ernæringsterapi, diætetik og profylakse | Diet Therapy and Prevention | False |
2004/2005 | 073141 | Sygdomslære og ernæringsfysiologi ved sygdom | Pato- and Nutritional Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 073151 | Evidensbaseret ernæringsterapi | Evidence-based Nutritional Therapy | False |
2004/2005 | 073161 | Kommunikationsteori og adfærdsterapi | Theory of communication and behaviourial therapy | False |
2004/2005 | 073171 | Kvalitetssikring, administration og ledelse | Quality assurance and management | False |
2004/2005 | 073181 | Instruktion: Praktik C | Dietary instruction in clinical practicum | False |
2004/2005 | 075611 | Oxidative ændringer i levnedsmidler | Oxidative changes in food | False |
2004/2005 | 075710 | Vand i levnedsmidler | Water in Foods | False |
2004/2005 | 075818 | Gær og skimmelsvampe i levneds- og nydelsesmidler | Yeasts and Moulds in Foods and Beverages | False |
2004/2005 | 075919 | Fresh Meat Production | Fresh Meat Production | False |
2004/2005 | 075938 | Fundamental Principles of Meat Quality | Fundamental Principles of Meat Quality | False |
2004/2005 | 076019 | Microbial Aspects of Food Preservation and Quality Assurance | Microbial Aspects of Food Preservation and Quality Assurance | False |
2004/2005 | 076069 | Ernæring på cytologisk niveau | Nutrition in a Cytological Context | False |
2004/2005 | 076113 | Introduktion til fermenteringsprocesser | Introduction to Fermentation Processes | False |
2004/2005 | 076211 | Nydelsesmidler | Confectionary and Beverages | False |
2004/2005 | 076221 | Vegetabilske levnedsmidler | Plant Food Products | False |
2004/2005 | 076319 | Makronæringsstoffer | Macronutrients | False |
2004/2005 | 076321 | Kost- og ernæringsstatus | Nutritional Assessment | False |
2004/2005 | 076338 | Eksplorativ dataanalyse / kemometri | Exploratory Data Analysis / Chemometrics | False |
2004/2005 | 076341 | Mikronæringsstoffer | Micronutrients | False |
2004/2005 | 076351 | Folkesundhed og ernæring | Public Health Nutrition | False |
2004/2005 | 076360 | Madens sociologi | The Sociology of Food | False |
2004/2005 | 076371 | Kostrelaterede sygdomme | Diet Related Diseases | False |
2004/2005 | 076436 | Dairy Technology A | Dairy Technology A | False |
2004/2005 | 076437 | Dairy Technology B | Dairy Technology B | False |
2004/2005 | 076447 | Dairy Process Equipment | Dairy Process Equipment | False |
2004/2005 | 076448 | Introduction to Dairy Technology | Introduction to Dairy Technology | False |
2004/2005 | 076711 | Levnedsmiddelkemi | Food Chemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 076811 | Mælk som råvare | Raw Milk Quality | False |
2004/2005 | 076820 | Vegetabilier som råvare | Food Plants as Raw Materials | False |
2004/2005 | 076839 | Kød som råvare | Meat as a raw material | False |
2004/2005 | 076910 | Mad og samfund | Food in Relation to Society | False |
2004/2005 | 076921 | Advanced Sensory Science | Advanced Sensory Science | False |
2004/2005 | 077011 | Immunologi | Immunology | False |
2004/2005 | 077012 | Food Quality and Processing Technologies | Food Quality and Processing Technologies | False |
2004/2005 | 077013 | Indigenous Food Processing in Developing Countries | Indigenous Food Processing in Developing Countries | False |
2004/2005 | 077014 | Food Quality Management in Developing Countries | Food Quality Management in Developing Countries | False |
2004/2005 | 078018 | Introduktion til levnedsmiddelproduktion | Introduction to Food Production | False |
2004/2005 | 078019 | Food and Nutrition Security in Developing Countries | Food and Nutrition Security in Developing Countries | False |
2004/2005 | 078022 | Funktionalitet og funktionelle ingredienser i levnedsmidler | Functionality and Functional Ingredients in Food | False |
2004/2005 | 078024 | Kvantitativ levnedsmiddelspektroskopi | Quantitative Food Spectroscopy | False |
2004/2005 | 078025 | Zoonoser | Zoonoses | False |
2004/2005 | 078027 | Fødevarelovgivning og kvalitetsstyring | Food Legislation and Quality Management | False |
2004/2005 | 078028 | Emballering af levnedsmidler | Packaging of Foods | False |
2004/2005 | 078029 | Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics applied on Lactic Acid Bacteria | Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics applied on Lactic Acid Bacteria | False |
2004/2005 | 078032 | Screening: Praktik A | Screening in clinical practicum | False |
2004/2005 | 078033 | Kostplan - Praktik B | Nutrition planning in clinical practicum | False |
2004/2005 | 078051 | Food Culture - Past, Present and Future | Food Culture - Past, Present and Future | False |
2004/2005 | 078061 | Sensorik | Sensory Science | False |
2004/2005 | 078064 | Børneernæring | Nutrition in Infancy and Childhood | False |
2004/2005 | 078526 | Tema: Levnedsmiddelteknologi - ølproduktionskæden | Food Technology - Production of Beer | False |
2004/2005 | 078536 | Tema: Naturlige antioxidanter - levnedsmiddelkemiske, toksikologiske og ernæringsmæssige aspekter | Natural Antioxidants - in relation to Food Chemistry, Toxicology and Human Nutrition | False |
2004/2005 | 078567 | Tema: Human ernæring | Thematic Course: Human Nutrition | False |
2004/2005 | 078576 | Tema: Måling af levnedsmiddelkvalitet: Aroma, sensorik og kemometri | Measuring food quality: Aroma, sensory analysis and chemometrics | False |
2004/2005 | 080510 | Byplanlægning | Town Planning | False |
2004/2005 | 085229 | Digital visualisering og 3D modeller | Computer Visualization and 3D Models | False |
2004/2005 | 085258 | Træteknologi | Wood Technology | False |
2004/2005 | 085273 | Precision Farming Technology | Precision Farming Technology | False |
2004/2005 | 085427 | Klimateknik i landbrugsbygninger | Climatization in Animal Houses | False |
2004/2005 | 085518 | Anlægsgartneri | Landscape Technique | False |
2004/2005 | 085628 | Træ- og plantefibre som råstof | Wood and Plant Fibres as Raw Material | False |
2004/2005 | 085665 | Introduction to Biosystems Engineering | Introduction to Biosystems Engineering | False |
2004/2005 | 085751 | Biosystemteknologi | Biosystems Technology | False |
2004/2005 | 085828 | Environmental and Ecotechnology | Environmental and Ecotechnology | False |
2004/2005 | 085938 | NOVA Course: Digital Terrain Modeling | NOVA Course: Digital Terrain Modeling | False |
2004/2005 | 086011 | Praktisk anlægsgartneri | Practical Landscape Construction | False |
2004/2005 | 086118 | Introduktion til geografiske informations systemer - GIS | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems | False |
2004/2005 | 088015 | Kort- og landskabsanalyse | Map Interpretation and Landscape Analysis | False |
2004/2005 | 088017 | CAD til landbrugsbygninger | CAD, Farm Buildings | False |
2004/2005 | 091021 | Landboret og miljøret | Agrarian Land Law and Environmental Law | False |
2004/2005 | 093611 | Økonomisk rådgivning og virksomhedsledelse | Consulting in farm economics and management | False |
2004/2005 | 093701 | Forvaltningsret | Administrative Law | False |
2004/2005 | 093730 | Forvaltningsret og offentlig økonomi | Administrative Law and Public Sector Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 093831 | International Economics and Agriculture | International Economics and Agriculture | False |
2004/2005 | 093841 | Environmental Management | Environmental Management | False |
2004/2005 | 094010 | Økonometri | Econometrics | False |
2004/2005 | 095111 | Borgerlig ret | Civil Law | False |
2004/2005 | 095138 | Planlægningslovgivning | Planning Legislation | False |
2004/2005 | 095141 | Skatteret | Tax Law | False |
2004/2005 | 095181 | EU jordbrugs- og miljøret | EU Agricultural and Environmental Law. | False |
2004/2005 | 095238 | Economics and Agriculture | Economics and Agriculture | False |
2004/2005 | 095239 | Organizational Economics and Agribusiness | Organizational Economics and Agribusiness | False |
2004/2005 | 095252 | Micro Economics | Micro Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 095261 | Macro Economics | Macro Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 095311 | Produktionsøkonomi | Production Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 095328 | Investment and Finance | Investment and Finance | False |
2004/2005 | 095332 | Operationsøkonomi | Operation Analysis | False |
2004/2005 | 095348 | Produktionsøkonomisk modellering og analyse | Productioneconomic Modelling and Analysis | False |
2004/2005 | 095358 | Mensuration and Modelling | Mensuration and Modelling | False |
2004/2005 | 095513 | Agricultural Marketing | Agricultural Marketing | False |
2004/2005 | 095610 | Sociologi | Sociology | False |
2004/2005 | 095628 | Organisation og virksomhedsledelse | Organization and Management | False |
2004/2005 | 095630 | Sociologi/organisation og virksomhedsledelse | Sociology/Organization and Management | False |
2004/2005 | 095729 | Environmental Economics | Environmental Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 095738 | Development Economics 2 | Development Economics 2 | False |
2004/2005 | 095758 | Development Economics 1 | Development Economics 1 | False |
2004/2005 | 095761 | Advanced Environmental Economics | Advanced Environmental Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 095918 | Natural Resource Economics | Natural Resource Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 095958 | Forest and Natural Resources Economics and Policy 1 | Forest and Natural Resources Economics and Policy 1 | False |
2004/2005 | 095968 | Forest and Natural Resources Economics and Policy 2 | Forest and Natural Resources Economics and Policy 2 | False |
2004/2005 | 095970 | Skov- og naturressourceplanlægning | Forest and Nature Resource Planning | False |
2004/2005 | 096112 | Project Management in Developing Countries | Project Management in Developing Countries | False |
2004/2005 | 096222 | Tropical Forestry A | Tropical Forestry A | False |
2004/2005 | 096226 | Tropical Forestry B | Tropical Forestry B | False |
2004/2005 | 096312 | Community Forestry | Community Forestry | False |
2004/2005 | 096512 | Problemløsning og konflikthåndtering ved forvaltning af skov og natur | Problem-Solving and Conflict Management | False |
2004/2005 | 096611 | Introduktion til driftsøkonomi | Introduction to Managerial Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 096622 | Patentkursus | Patent Course | False |
2004/2005 | 096718 | Samfundsøkonomi | Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 096721 | International Economics | International Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 096811 | Introduktion til jordbrugspolitik | Introduction to Agricultural Policy | False |
2004/2005 | 096821 | Jordbrugspolitisk analyse | Agricultural Policy Analysis | False |
2004/2005 | 098011 | Rådgivning | Consulting | False |
2004/2005 | 098012 | Basic Development Studies | Basic Development Studies | False |
2004/2005 | 098013 | Miljøøkonomisk cost-benefit analyse | Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis | False |
2004/2005 | 098014 | Projekteringsprocedure | Project Management | False |
2004/2005 | 098017 | Landbrugsregnskaber og økonomistyring | Agricultural Accounting and Controlling | False |
2004/2005 | 098507 | Thematic Course: Applied Environmental and Resource Economics | Thematic Course: Applied Environmental and Resource Economics | False |
2004/2005 | 103018 | Veterinærmedicinsk videnskabsteori | Introductory Philosophy Course for veterinary Students | False |
2004/2005 | 103101 | Kemi | Chemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 103119 | Veterinær Cellebiologi | Veterinary Cell biology | False |
2004/2005 | 103200 | Anatomi | Anatomy | False |
2004/2005 | 103308 | Veterinær fysiologi | Veterinary Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 103318 | Veterinær biofysik | Veterinary Biophysics | False |
2004/2005 | 103400 | Populationsbiologi | Population Biology | False |
2004/2005 | 103528 | Fødevare- og miljøhygiejne samt fiskesygdomme | Food-/Environmental Hygiene and Fish Diseases | False |
2004/2005 | 103533 | Fjerkræsygdomme | Poultry Diseases | False |
2004/2005 | 103550 | Mikrobiologisk projekt | Microbiology Project | False |
2004/2005 | 103569 | Praktisk kødkontrol og hygiejnisk tilsyn | Food Inspection and Hygiene | False |
2004/2005 | 103611 | Almindelig patologi | General Pathology | False |
2004/2005 | 103623 | Speciel patologi | Special Pathology | False |
2004/2005 | 103700 | Infektionsmikrobiologi | Infection Microbiology | False |
2004/2005 | 104010 | Klinisk undersøgelsmetodik | Clinical Methods | False |
2004/2005 | 104100 | Farmakologi, farmaci og toksikologi | Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Toxicology | False |
2004/2005 | 104200 | Medicin, kirurgi og reproduktion (teori) | Clinical Lectures | False |
2004/2005 | 104214 | Hospital for store husdyr | Practical Clinics, Large Animals | False |
2004/2005 | 104224 | Hospital for mindre husdyr | Practical Clinics, Small Animals | False |
2004/2005 | 104300 | Reproduktion og obstetrik | Reproduction/Obstetrics | False |
2004/2005 | 104400 | Retsmedicin | Veterinary Jurisprudence | False |
2004/2005 | 104509 | Tema: Populationsmedicin og rådgivning | Theme: Population Medicine and (Herd) Health Management | False |
2004/2005 | 108011 | Akvatisk patobiologi | Aquatic Pathobiology | False |
2004/2005 | 108013 | Teoretisk klinisk patologi | Theoretical Clinical Pathology | False |
2004/2005 | 108015 | Laboratory Animal Science | Laboratory Animal Science | False |
2004/2005 | 108016 | Ernæring og diætik af hund og kat | Dog and Cat Nutrition and Dietetics | False |
2004/2005 | 108022 | Anvendt epidemiologi | Applied Epidemiology | False |
2004/2005 | 108038 | Fødevaremikrobiologi | Food Microbiology | False |
2004/2005 | 108039 | Klinisk mikrobiologi | Clinical Microbiology | False |
2004/2005 | 108057 | Videregående toksikologi | Advanced Toxicology | False |
2004/2005 | 108059 | Praktisk veterinærklinik - mindre husdyr med hovedvægt på Klinisk Diagnostik | Veterinary Clinical Practics - Small Animals | False |
2004/2005 | 108060 | Reproduktion | Reproduction | False |
2004/2005 | 108070 | Genomanalyse og sygdomsgenetik hos dyr | Genome Analysis and Disease Genetics in Animals | False |
2004/2005 | 108079 | Stordyrsklinik | Large Animal Clinics | False |
2004/2005 | 108081 | Videregående diagnostisk patologi | Advanced Diagnostic Pathology | False |
2004/2005 | 108082 | Introduction to Infectious Diseases of Livestock in the Tropics | Introduction to Infectious Diseases of Livestock in the Tropics | False |
2004/2005 | 108099 | Klinisk farmakologi | Clinical Pharmacology | False |
2004/2005 | 112178 | Læreanstalternes fælles formidlingskursus | Joint Communication Course | False |
2004/2005 | 112188 | Læreanstalternes fælles byplankursus, LFB | Joint Town Planning Course | False |
2004/2005 | 113120 | Læreanstalternes fælles projektleder og innovationskursus | Joint Course in Project Management and Innovation | False |
2004/2005 | 115110 | Metode og projektarbejde | Methods in Problem-Based Projects | False |
2004/2005 | 115222 | Skov- og landskabshistorie | Forest and Landscape History | False |
2004/2005 | 115228 | Skov- og landskabshistorie | Forest and Landscape History | False |
2004/2005 | 115319 | Havekunstens historie | History of Garden Architecture | False |
2004/2005 | 115418 | Landskabsplanlægning - intro | Landscape Design, Introduction | False |
2004/2005 | 115428 | Landskabsplanlægning & tegning | Landscape Planning & Design | False |
2004/2005 | 115618 | Introduction to Methods in Problem Based Projects | Introduction to Methods in Problem Based Projects | False |
2004/2005 | 115620 | Naturforvaltning | Nature Management | False |
2004/2005 | 115701 | Projekt i videnskabelig teori og metode | Project in Scientific Theory and Method | False |
2004/2005 | 115718 | Planlægningsteori og metode | Planning Theory and Methodology | False |
2004/2005 | 115911 | Introduktion til økologisk jordbrug | Introduction to Organic Farming | False |
2004/2005 | 116010 | Praktisk produktionsstyring | Practical Farm Management | False |
2004/2005 | 116220 | Interdisciplinary Land Use and Natural Resource Management | Interdisciplinary Land Use and Natural Resource Management | False |
2004/2005 | 116430 | Fagets videnskabsteori | Philosophy and Science | False |
2004/2005 | 116521 | Methods in Natural Resource Management | Methods in Natural Resource Management | False |
2004/2005 | 118011 | Grafisk præsentationsteknik | Graphic Presentation Techniques | False |
2004/2005 | 118060 | Environmental Impact Assessment | Environmental Impact Assessment | False |
2004/2005 | 118061 | Natursyn i landskabsforvaltningen | Nature Perception in Landscape Management | False |
2004/2005 | 118506 | Tema: Landskabsplanlægning | Thematic Course: Landscape Planning | False |
2004/2005 | 118516 | Tema: Landskabsforvaltning | Theme Course: Landscape Management | False |
2004/2005 | 120121 | Introduction to Horticulture | Introduction to Horticulture | False |
2004/2005 | 120221 | Plant Physiology and Chemistry | Plant Physiology and Chemistry | False |
2004/2005 | 120311 | Genetics, Botany and Breeding of Horticultural Plants | Genetics, Botany and Breeding of Horticultural Plants | False |
2004/2005 | 120411 | Plant Protection in Horticulture | Plant Protection in Horticulture | False |
2004/2005 | 120511 | External Growth Factors | External Growth Factors | False |
2004/2005 | 120611 | Basic Statistics | Basic Statistics | False |
2004/2005 | 120700 | Horticultural Economics and Management | Horticultural Economics and Management | False |
2004/2005 | 120800 | Ecology | Ecology | False |
2004/2005 | 125122 | Botany, Origin and Evolution of Horticultural Plants | Botany, Origin and Evolution of Horticultural Plants | False |
2004/2005 | 125151 | Postharvest Handling and Use of Horticultural Products | Postharvest Handling and Use of Horticultural Products | False |
2004/2005 | 125161 | Principles of Crop Physiology | Principles of Crop Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 125181 | Greenhouse and Field Production Systems | Greenhouse and Field Production Systems | False |
2004/2005 | 125191 | Horticultural Marketing and Management | Horticultural Marketing and Management | False |
2004/2005 | 126111 | Climate Management in Horticulture | Climate Management in Horticulture | False |
2004/2005 | 126121 | Management of Pests, Diseases and Weeds in Horticulture | Management of Pests, Diseases and Weeds in Horticulture | False |
2004/2005 | 126131 | Plant Breeding, Genetic Resources and Biotechnology | Plant Breeding, Genetic Resources and Biotechnology | False |
2004/2005 | 126141 | Environmental Issues in Horticultural Crop Production | Environmental Issues in Horticultural Crop Production | False |
2004/2005 | 126151 | Horticultural Markets | Horticultural Markets | False |
2004/2005 | 126161 | Applied Crop Physiology | Applied Crop Physiology | False |
2004/2005 | 130101 | Økologi A | Ecology A | False |
2004/2005 | 130102 | Økologi B | Ecology B | False |
2004/2005 | 130104 | Teknik og planlægning B | Planning and operations of forest and landscape | False |
2004/2005 | 130501 | Introduktion | Introduction | False |
2004/2005 | 130606 | Parkdrift | Park Management | False |
2004/2005 | E0401240 | Seminarrække - Parkforvaltning | Management of Open Spaces | False |
2004/2005 | E0402120 | Biomedicin | Biomedicine | False |
2004/2005 | F0501240 | Planter & Teknologi i landskabsarkitektur | Plants & Technology in landscape architecture | False |
2004/2005 | F0502240 | Byplanlægning | Town Planning | False |
2004/2005 | F0503250 | Chains-IT | Chains-IT | False |
2004/2005 | F0504140 | Teoretisk klinisk patologi | Theoretical clinical pathology | False |